Oil King - An enlisted engineer responsible for fuel, lube oil, boilerwater and feedwater testing and also their quality, quantity, and transfers around the ship. ", USMC: A person's head. Photo courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/dvids/. Nuke Striker: Perjorative term used by nukes to describe a coner that asks endless questions about the operations of the nuclear power plant. USS Immobile Bay: USS Mobile Bay (CG-53). Also contains the Uniform of the Day. Sea Stories: Often exaggerated or embellished tales from previous deployments or commands told by seniors to juniors. Stupid-: Adjective for remedial training. EB Red: Extreme, nuclear grade version of EB Green. squared away" above. Lucky Bag: Collected unclaimed personal items, or such things confiscated as. 2MC: Engineering loudspeaker circuit. Squid bikes are usually decorated with Ring Knocker: A graduate of the U.S. FFG: Frigate, Guided Missile, class of ship. Bells repeat themselves every 4 hours. Monkey fist: A Turks head knot tied in a rope to add weight and mass to a heaving line. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.". When one goes off, the other takes his place (three men share two racks). POD (Plan of the Day): An official document issued by a command that states all activities occurring that day, from 0000 to 2359. Tits Machine: Old-school term for a kick-ass aircraft, usually a fighter, that consisted of little more than an airframe, minimal avionics, and a huge engine or two. WESTPAC: While this usually refers to the western Pacific area of operations, it can also refer to a type of deployment in which a unit heads to multiple locations throughout said area. If operating on one boiler at the time of the casualty, the ship then goes "dark and quiet" as all power and propulsion is lost. Beer Day: On many navy ships, even in the present day, all hands are given 2 beers if they are underway without a port call for a given period of time generally 45 days. Horse Cock: Large log of baloney or overcooked kielbasa usually put out for lunch or midrats. Knuckle Dragger: A member of the engineering department or a mechanic on a nuclear powered vessel. Also refers to a mythical rate or ship type an "FTN Striker" says he/she is trying to get in (i.e. See also Monkey Butt. Usually the only small bit of privacy found on a ship. Generally a lazy navy cook phones it in by opening an industrial size can of ravioli and dumps out a couple loaves of white bread and calls it good. See "Irish Pennant.". Spooks: Navy Cryptologic Technicians or other service equivalents. See also A-Gang. The subs and the sailors are on eternal patrol. Usually results in one of two things, either NJP, or a fist fight. Widow/Widower: Describes wives (and now husbands) with spouses on deployment. Each crewman was allocated a limited number of these messages during each 3-month patrol and they were severely censored to protect the submariner from news that could negatively effect the emotional condition of the recipient. More Terms (without the wordy explanations), Coastie a member of the Coast Guard (which I dont write much about, because right now theyre part of the Department of Homeland Security, until we go back to war), Swabbie another term for a Navy sailor. May frequent enlisted/officers clubs upon her husband's deployment, assuming her husband is similarly engaging in infidelity during deployment. (3) Issued wool peacoat. The closest thing to a viable explanation of the origin I could find is squid as it applies to inexperienced motorcyclists. The term swab comes from military crewmen who swabs the deck with a mop. Constipation: Derogatory name for USS CONSTELLATION (CV-64). Kiss the Camel: To fall between ship and pier onto the, Knee-deep navy: Epithet (usually friendly) for the Coast Guard or coastal patrol vessels . When she did get underway she was typically towed back in, whereupon she was referred to as "USS Broke". Mt. Also referred to "Monkey Rapers". JORG: Junior Officer Requiring Guidance (see "George"). This page was last edited on 8 January 2023, at 09:53. The nickname is based on its color and flavor. Also, a board and dice game akin to Backgammon. Also called "Charlie" from phoenetic "Victor Charlie.". Shit River: The extremely polluted (mostly with sewage) canal just outside the Subic Bay main gate. (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). JO-JO: Pronounced "joe-joe." Butter Bar: The single gold bar on the khaki uniform of an Ensign (Navy) or 2nd Lieutenant (USMC) By extension, an Ensign, or any new officer fresh from OCS, the Naval Academy, or NROTC. Sweat pump(s) / Sweat pump(s) on line/ on overload: See "sweat the load.". Not to be confused with "screwing the pooch" which refers to royally messing up a task. METOC), UNREP: Underway Replenishment: The taking of supplies from a supply ship by maneuvering alongside it and passing lines between it and one's own vessel. Haole: Pronounced "How-Lee" Hawaiian term for non-native. Some black shoes say "Live by the gouge, die by the gouge." Most commonly seen on a "Dogged Watch" schedule. Vampire Liberty: A day off one gets for donating a pint of blood. Some "Nuke Waste" treat it as a sort of dubious badge of honor, others remain bitter about it for the rest of their Navy career. Differs from "VERTREP.". Midnight Requisition: To "borrow" (with varying degress of consent) a needed item from another unit. Twelve are served per table. Also COMHOUSE, COMHOME, CINCHOME, HOUSEPAC, etc. MRC Card: literally Maintenance Requirement Card Card, LEO Ops: Law Enforcment Operations Ops; etc. Shark shit: A sailor who has fallen overboard and is lost forever. Sea Daddy: Senior, more experienced sailor who unofficially takes a new member of the crew under his wing and mentors him. This is the only thing in the universe that can travel faster than light. : "Pussy Cut Off Day": The last day of a long deployment on which male sailors can get laid and still obtain Venereal Disease cures from the Hospital Corpsman, and have those cures be effective, before returning to their partners at home. JAFO: "Just Another Fucking Observer," given to new recruits who are fresh in the fleet and have not cleared any training. A dangerous thing for a sailor to be around Pearl Harbor, as some of the natives see them as easy targets for crime, especially when local law-enforcement doesn't seem to care. C-GU11 (pronounced "See-Gee-You-Eleven"): Seagull. Aviators say "Live by the gouge, excel by the gouge. Pussy patch: Transdermal scopolamine patch for seasickness. IE or Modified GQ, relaxed GQ condition during extended GQ period, primarily to allow chow; II: Similar to IA, for extended Naval Gunfire Support; III: Wartime cruising, higher state of readiness with some battle stations manned; IV: normal (peacetime) underway watch. Color Company: The recruit company in boot camp that maintains the highest score through the entire eight week evolution; they are given three days special liberty unmonitored. Also used to indicate one who is in a bad mood "What's wrong with him?" One-eyed Jack: See "Barney Clark" A. tasty treat served at midrats consisting of a slider topped with a fried egg. Gouge: The inside scoop, the skinny, the low-down. Beans, bullets, and black oil: Supplies of all sorts needed by a warship. The more derogatory ". Self-explanatory. Other duties include storing and maintaining unit small arms as well as training and qualifying squadron member in their use and the use of deadly force. Dinner plate for Marines: The front buttoned flap on enlisted dress blues. A person with such a rank can also be referred to by number of stars they have; so a "three star" is a Vice Admiral, and so forth. Examples: "Hey, this is no shit, but I once blah blah blah" or "Hey this is a no-shitter, I got a buddy who once blah blah blah", NUG: New Useless Guy. Also called drift-pack, or in the very extreme case "COMNAVDRIFTLANT/PAC", a parody of COMNAVSURFLANT/PAC. Machinists Mates, Boilermen, Enginemen, Pipefitters, Damage Controlman, Hull Technicians, Electricians, Gas Turbine Technicians. Coffin Locker: A personal storage area located underneath a sailor's rack. Before OBAs the Navy developed and used RBAs--Rescue Breathing Apparatus. (2) (. Generally found in the Western Pacific. Shaft Alley Sally: A loose and easy female shipmate that would be willing and ready to get it on down in machinery spaces and/or shaft alleys. (pronounced "foop-uh"): Fat Upper Pelvic Area: The buldge that protrudes from ill-fitting pants worn by an overweight sailor, or by extension, the sailor him- or herself. MAA: Master-at-Arms. Precursor to Yellow Shirt. Grotopotamus: The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. Pass in Review ceremonies are always held on a Friday, meaning that there is a Pass in Review held every week, except during federal holidays i.e. During WW2 the name referred to an animated cartoon character in a number of situations which showed servicemen how NOT to perform. Fruit Salad: Numerous ribbons on a dress uniform. : Fuck It, I Got My Orders: A refusal of a long or tough assignment near the end of a duty rotation. Also used for a potato (spud) storage room. CHT Tank/Shit Tank/Chit Tank: Collection, Holding and Transfer system, which collects all ship's shower and toilet runoff/sewage until such time as it can be pumped or dumped. Port and Report: A watch stood without relief. Zone inspection: A formal inspection of spaces conducted by a team headed by the XO. NFG: Non-Functioning Gear: Used typically on Tags placed on electronics indicating malfunction description. So named because one can't do anything without a chit, especially one that is "lost in routing". Girl Scout Training Aid: A complete pepperoni (a sausage roughly 1-2 inches wide and 2-3 feet long). Black beret: Worn by Swift Boat and PBR Sailors, originally in Vietnam. The USS IWO JIMA LPH-2, IYAOYAS: Unofficial acronym commonly found on the uniforms of airedales who specialize in ordnance handling. Similar to the code for "bulkhead remover." Smurf: A recruit who is in his first few days of boot camp who hasn't been issued uniforms yet, and thus wears a "Smurf Suit" (see below). Joe Shit-in-the-rag Man / Joe Shit the Rag man / Joe Shit Charlie the Rag Man: An under-performing sailor. USS Slurpeefish: The USS SAN FRANCISCO. Example: The F-5 usually lands skosh on fuel. See "titless wave." Bar fine: Fee paid to the manager ("mamasan") of a bar (generally adjacent to the former Naval Base Subic, former Naval Air Station Cubi Point, or former Clark Air Base in the Philippines) for letting a "hostess" take the night off. MARINE: Acronym for Marines Always Ride in Navy Equipmentor Muscles are Required Intelligence Not Essential or My Ass Really Is Navy Equipment..or My Ass Rides In Navy Equipmentor Muscles are Required Intelligence Not Expected. Used to refer to a sailor's spouse. They include: beagle a steward; boy scouts leave a brief shore-leave; dimple a hole in a ships hull caused by a torpedo; drain the bilge to be extremely seasick; macaroon a new rating; molly a malingerer; squid female trainee. //