shapiro lab stanford

View details for DOI 10.1073/pnas.1000846107, View details for Web of Science ID 000275368400036, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2842071. Moreover, active transport processes ensure the efficient segregation of sister chromosomes and the faithful restoration of nucleoid organization while DNA replication and condensation are in progress. CcrM, an adenine DNA methyltransferase, is essential for viability in Caulobacter crescentus. Analysis of the cloned C. crescentus dnaA gene has shown that the deduced amino acid sequence can encode a 486-amino-acid protein that is 37% identical to the DnaA protein of Escherichia coli. The availability of temperature-sensitive mutants blocked at various stages of development permits access to both questions. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Sarafan ChEM-H; Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) Stanford PULSE Institute; Each kind of bacterium also executes its own strategy to find nutrients in its habitat and to cope with conditions of stress from its environment. These cells possess distinct functional morphologies and differential programs of transcription and DNA replication. Congratulations to Avinoam and colleagues on showing that cells can be engineered to migrate into tumors and damage them from the inside upon receiving a focused ultrasound stimulus. In contrast to the protein components of the hook and filament, the protein encoded by the flaD gene contains a hydrophobic leader peptide. Bayas, C. A., Wang, J., Lee, M. K., Schrader, J. M., Shapiro, L., Moerner, W. E. A Polar Matrix Microdomain Constrains Diffusion and Regulates Intracellular Signaling. From these data, we extract several characteristics of single MreB filaments, including that they are, on average, much shorter than the cell length and that the direction of their polarized assembly seems to be independent of the overall cellular polarity. Although interactions between the chromosome and the cytoplasmic membrane are believed to be a functional component of the temporal regulation of DNA replication, the ability of this secA mutant to initiate replication at the nonpermissive temperature suggests that SecA-dependent events are not involved in this process. Jun 2022 24. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2021.08.019. Aminoacyl-transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases, which catalyze the attachment of the correct amino acid to its corresponding tRNA during translation of the genetic code, are proven antimicrobial drug targets. We use a variety of innovative approaches including genomics, computation, biochemistry, and advanced imaging. Chen, J. C., Viollier, P. H., Shapiro, L. Spatial complexity of mechanisms controlling a bacterial cell cycle, An actin-like gene can determine bacterial cell polarity, A genetic oscillator and the regulation of cell cycle progression in Caulobacter crescentus, Rapid and sequential movement of individual chromosomal loci to specific subcellular locations during bacterial DNA replication. Zhou, B., Schrader, J. M., Kalogeraki, V. S., Abeliuk, E., Dinh, C. B., Pham, J. Q., Cui, Z. Three Caulobacter crescentus heat-shock proteins were shown to be immunologically related to the Escherichia coli heat-shock proteins GroEL, Lon and DnaK. American volume -Ryaby, J. T., Sheller, M. R., Levine, B. P., Bramlet, D. G., Ladd, A. L., Carney, D. H.2006;88: 132-139, JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY -Srivastava, S., Youngblood, P. L., Rawn, C., Hariri, S., Heinrichs, W. L., Ladd, A. L.2004;13 (2): 196-205, journal of bone and joint surgery. 2020: 1558944720928489, Hand (New York, N.Y.) -Alokozai, A., Lindsay, S. E., Eppler, S. L., Fox, P. M., Ladd, A. L., Kamal, R. N.2019: 1558944719890039, Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. These new reporter genes provide much greater sensitivity, nonlinear ultrasound contrast, and ease-of-use for expression in a variety of cell types. The biogenesis of the Caulobacter crescentus polar flagellum requires the expression of more than 48 genes, which are organized in a regulatory hierarchy. Like flagellar biogenesis, stalk formation is an asymmetric polar morphogenesis that occurs once each cell cycle in response to internal cell cycle signals. These results suggest that sigma 54 abundance responds to cell cycle cues and is involved in the global timing of the central events of Caulobacter development, whereas the transcriptional activators of sigma 54-dependent promoters are responsible for the refined control of the expression of individual or small groups of genes required for each specific event. The Global Regulatory Architecture of Transcription during the Caulobacter Cell Cycle. August, J. T., EOYANG, L., FRANZE DE FERNANDEZ, M. T., Hasegawa, S., Kuo, C. H., RENSING, U., Shapiro, L. Resolution of two factors required in the Q-beta-RNA polymerase reaction. The transition of a swarmer cell, with a single polar flagellum, into a sessile stalked cell includes several morphogenetic events. Simbios. A basic question in developmental biology involves the mechanisms used to generate the three-dimensional organization of a cell from a one-dimensional genetic code. This difference in affinity correlates with temporal changes in the cellular levels of CtrA. The level of DnaA, a key bacterial DNA replication initiation factor, increases during the Caulobacter swarmer-to-stalked transition just before the G1/S transition. The eukaryotic cell exhibits compartmentalization of functions to various membrane-bound organelles and to specific domains within each membrane. Daniel E. Ho is the William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, Professor of Political Science, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Associate Director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, and Director of the Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab). As a step toward understanding this process, we have defined cis-acting sequences necessary for expression of a Class II flagellar operon, fliLM. Leonard, K. R., Kleinschmidt, A. K., Agabian-Keshishian, N., Shapiro, L., MAIZEL, J. V. CHARACTERIZATION OF A PROTEIN ACYL KINASE FROM CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS, STRUCTURAL STUDIES ON CAPSID OF CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS BACTERIOPHAGE PHICBK. PHYSICAL MAP OF CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS BACTERIOPHAGE PHI-CD1 DNA, INVERTED-REPEAT NUCLEOTIDE-SEQUENCES IN ESCHERICHIA-COLI AND CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS, THE EFFECT OF TERMINATION OF MEMBRANE PHOSPHOLIPID-SYNTHESIS ON CELL-DEPENDENT EVENTS IN CAULOBACTER. Mikhail Shapiro Wins Roger Tsien Award for Excellence in Chemical Biology. We have shown previously that restriction of CcrM to the C. crescentus predivisional cell is essential for normal morphogenesis and progression through the cell cycle. Predictions from Brownian dynamics simulations of the packing of supercoiled DNA polymers in an elongated cell-like confinement are also consistent with a branched DNA structure, and simulated interloci distance distributions predict that confinement leads to "freezing" of the supercoiled configuration. The use of this promoter suggests that C. crescentus has a cognate sigma factor and predicts that other C. crescentus genes are expressed from this consensus promoter. Also among the genes in this notably large regulon are 14 that encode regulatory proteins, including 10 two-component signal transduction regulatory proteins. The phage is composed of 57% DNA. Lab Objectives. These results contrast with RNase E and ribosome distribution in Escherichia coli, where RNase E colocalizes with the cytoplasmic membrane and ribosomes accumulate in polar nucleoid-free zones. These mutant strains provide novel insight into how MreB's protein structure, subcellular localization, and activity contribute to its function in bacterial cell shape. CckA also positively regulates CtrA activity by a mechanism that is independent of CtrA phosphorylation. Synchronization can be performed in a large-scale format for gene expression profiling and western blot assays, as well as a small-scale format for microscopy or FACS assays. The Bejerano Lab focuses on a fundamental question in Human Genomics: the relationship between geno(me)type and phenotype. We have found that the trans regulation that modulates the amount of the flagellins and the chemotaxis proteins can be separated from the temporal control of fla and che gene expression. The fliX gene encodes a 15-kDa protein with a putative N-terminal signal sequence. Research in our laboratory is focused on understanding how regulatory information encoded by the genome is integrated with the transcriptional machinery and chromatin context to allow for emergence of form and function during human embryogenesis and evolution, and how perturbations in this process lead to disease. Snow, Vermont! The bacterium Caulobacter crescentus undergoes an asymmetric cell division resulting in the formation of two different daughter cells, a motile swarmer cell and a nonmotile stalked cell. Comparison to other organisms reveals conservation of cell cycle regulatory logic, even if regulatory proteins, themselves, are not conserved. The flagellar promoters accessed by Tn5-VB32 exhibited temporal regulation analogous to the known flagellar and chemotaxis gene products. Our results reveal a molecular mechanism that allows disparate environmental challenges to converge on a common pathway that results in a dormant state. James H. Clark Center, Stanford University 318 Campus Drive Stanford, CA 94305 Home Research Publications People News , College of Medicine B.S. CtrA approximately P then blocks the reinitiation of replication while regulating the transcription of a large number of cell cycle-controlled genes. Caulobacter crescentus permits detailed analysis of chromosome replication control during a developmental cell cycle. 38:164-198, 1974; Wolfner et al., J. Mol. We show here that the CpaC protein, which is thought to form the outer membrane pilus secretion channel, and its assembly factor, CpaE, are localized to the cell pole prior to the polymerization of the pilus filament. In addition to the presence of the fatA506 mutation, this strain was found to contain two other mutations, one of which caused the production of a water-soluble brown-orange pigment (pigA) and another which caused formation of helical cells (hclA). The expression of the Caulobacter ccrM gene and the activity of its product, the M.Ccr II DNA methyltransferase, are limited to a discrete portion of the cell cycle (G. Zweiger, G. Marczynski, and L. Shapiro, J. Mol. Strategies to encode or label small particles or beads for use in high-throughput screening and bioassay applications focus on either spatially differentiated, on-chip arrays or random distributions of encoded beads. The polar localization of ClpXP is dependent on the polar positioning of the CpdR single-domain response regulator. This directional movement of labeled MreB in the growing polymer provides an indication that, like actin, MreB monomers treadmill through MreB filaments by preferential polymerization at one filament end and depolymerization at the other filament end. 1973-1974 Stanford University. 2013;62: 165-179, JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME -Ladd, A. L.2012;37A (10): 2136-2136, JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME -Hagert, E., Lee, J., Ladd, A. L.2012;37A (4): 706-714, IOF-ECCEO European Congress on Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis / 2nd IOF-ESCEO Pre-Clinical Symposium -oldhahn, J., Beaton, D., Ladd, A., MacDermid, J., Hoang-Kim, A.SPRINGER LONDON LTD.2012: S341S341, CELLS TISSUES ORGANS -Lee, J., Ladd, A., Hagert, E.2012;195 (5): 456-464, journal of bone and joint surgery. 2001. We find that the actin-like MreB protein mediates global cell polarity in Caulobacter crescentus, although the intermediate filament-like CreS protein influences cell shape without affecting cell polarity. We have identified a periplasmic protease (PerP) that initiates the proteolytic sequence by truncating PodJ(L) to a form with altered activity (PodJ(S)). He is a regular contributor to The New York Review of Books, and his work has also appeared in The New Yorker, Harper's, The Believer, The Nation, Artforum, American Quarterly, and 4/2014. Our laboratory is using genetic mapping, comparative sequence analysis, and functional tests to identify the genomic basis of classic evolutionary traits in vertebrates. DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC-ACID SEQUENCE HOMOLOGIES AMONG BACTERIAL INSERTION SEQUENCE ELEMENTS AND GENOMES OF VARIOUS ORGANISMS, CELL-CYCLE-ASSOCIATED REARRANGEMENT OF INVERTED REPEAT DNA-SEQUENCES. (2021). Furthermore, the FtsK N terminus is required to either assemble or maintain FtsZ rings at the division plane. Each of these transcripts proved to be a de novo transcript since (a) each could be pulse labeled during the initial 20 s of the reaction and (b) each transcript contained a triphosphate at its 5' terminus. Deletion analysis indicated that a 55 bp DNA fragment was sufficient for normal, temporally regulated promoter activity. Goley, E. D., Comolli, L. R., Fero, K. E., Downing, K. H., Shapiro, L. Cell pole-specific activation of a critical bacterial cell cycle kinase, Caulobacter PopZ forms a polar subdomain dictating sequential changes in pole composition and function. View details for Web of Science ID 000088132600007, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC313932. Using hyper-saturated transposon mutagenesis coupled with high-throughput sequencing, we determined the essential Caulobacter genome at 8 bp resolution, including 1012 essential genome features: 480 ORFs, 402 regulatory sequences and 130 non-coding elements, including 90 intergenic segments of unknown function. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.molcel.2010.08.027, View details for Web of Science ID 000282377200016, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2945607. I earned my undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto and have previously worked as a predoctoral research fellow at the Gentzkow-Shapiro Lab at Stanford University. The Shapiro group develops molecular technologies for noninvasive imaging and control of cellular function, and uses these technologies to study basic biology and create cellular diagnostics and therapeutics. View details for DOI 10.1126/science.1142189, View details for Web of Science ID 000247400500051. Collectively, our findings reveal an unsuspected level of environmental regulation of cell wall protein behavior that is likely linked to an ecological adaptation. By deciphering the underlying design principles, we hope to generate pure populations of these cell-types from embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine. View details for DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2004.04443.x, View details for Web of Science ID 000226707700011. However, live-cell superresolution imaging has been challenged by the need to image three-dimensional (3D) structures relative to their biological context, such as the cellular membrane. Biol. In a divK-cs mutant at the restrictive temperature, the initiation of DNA replication is blocked because of the retention of CtrA. Furthermore, the sequential replication through unmapped Dra I fragments has enabled us to localize their positions on the genome. Located on the first floor of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library, the Lab bosts ownership of four 3D printers, a 3D printer pen, a silhouette vinyl cutter, an 18th century letter press, a heavy duty singer sewing machine, two soldering stations, and a VR station with an Oculus and Vive. Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University School of Medicine. This suggests a role for HrcA in negative regulation of heat shock gene expression. Milu T. Cherian, PhD, Senior Analyst at Oncology, SmartAnalyst, Inc. Irene Aninye, PhD, Senior Program Associate at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Rui Huang, Graduate Student in Biochemistry at Duke University, Jeffrey Trost, Medical Student at University of Virginia School of Medicine, Khin-Khin Soe Wu, Medical Student at Rosalind Franklin School of Medicine, Amanda Etheridge, Medical Student at University of Illinois College of Medicine. Androgen Receptor, University of Illinois Stanford team stimulates neurons to induce particular perceptions in mice's minds . How organismic complexity is generated during embryonic and post-embryonic development. Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. View details for Web of Science ID 000232262800007. Here, we identify an essential histidine kinase, CckA, that is responsible for CtrA activation by phosphorylation. Previously unknown features of the core cell cycle circuit were identified, including 107 antisense TSSs which exhibit cell cycle-control, and 241 genes with multiple TSSs whose transcription levels often exhibited different cell cycle timing. An inducible promoter is a useful tool for the controlled expression of a given gene. Pulse-labeled swarmer cells exhibited a higher proportion of phosphatidic acid and a lower proportion of phosphatidylglycerol. This results in photonic crystals with well-resolved and narrow optical reflectivity features, whose wavelengths are determined by the etching parameters. E. coli ribosomal RNA contains sequences homologous to insertion sequences IS1 and IS2. At the non-permissive temperature, one such mutant, LS439, could not initiate new rounds of DNA replication and arrested primarily as cells with two completed chromosomes Extended incubation at the restrictive temperature resulted in filament formation. These data suggest a more prevalent use of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence for ribosome pausing rather than translation initiation in C. crescentus. The Shapiro Design Lab is an open resource to the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Michigan. Molecular genetics of simple developmental systems. Many important biological processes occur deep inside living organisms. Prior growth on glucose results in a delay in enzyme expression and cell cycle arrest at the nonmotile, predivisional stage. Binding of cyclic GMP is not affected by the addition of cyclic AMP or 5'-GMP, but is inhibited about 50 percent by a 50-fold molar excess of dibutyryl cyclic GMP or cyclic hypoxanthine 3':5'-monophosphate. (1988) Gene 68, 323-333], the origin was localized to a 305-kilobase fragment containing the rrnA gene. The essential dnaN gene encodes a homolog of the Escherichia coli beta subunit of DNA polymerase III. The dynamic flow of molecules into and out of these compartments occurs on faster timescales than for membrane-enclosed organelles, presenting a possible mechanism to control spatial patterning within cells. Yuan (Soso) Xue, Bioengineering (09/2015-03/2016). The recognition of polar bacterial organization is just emerging. Chromosome segregation in Caulobacter cannot occur unless a dedicated parS guiding mechanism initiates movement. All of the mutants in this cluster exhibited pleiotropic effects on the expression of other flagellar and chemotaxis functions, including the level of synthesis of flagellins, the hook protein and hook protein precursor, and the level of chemotaxis methylation. The mutant strain, AE6000 , was altered in both of these regulatory functions. The HipBA2 module senses different types of stress conditions by increasing the intracellular level of tryptophan, which in turn breaks the tryptophan-glutamine balance and induces glutamine deprivation. Recently, single-molecule imaging and photocontrol have enabled superresolution optical microscopy of cellular structures beyond Abbe's diffraction limit, extending the frontier of noninvasive imaging of structures within living cells. Lee, H. D., Lord, S. J., Iwanaga, S., Zhan, K., Xie, H., Williams, J. C., Wang, H., Bowman, G. R., Goley, E. D., Shapiro, L., Twieg, R. J., Rao, J., Moerner, W. E. An essential transcription factor, SciP, enhances robustness of Caulobacter cell cycle regulation. 2015 Presidency University This gene cluster encodes a novel group of pilus assembly proteins. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2005;2005:684-688. View details for Web of Science ID A1987G456800009. The polar organizing protein Z (PopZ) localizes to the polar regions of C. crescentus where it is known to form a distinct microdomain. Schrader, J. M., Li, G., Childers, W. S., Perez, A. M., Weissman, J. S., Shapiro, L., McAdams, H. H. Cell cycle progression in Caulobacter requires a nucleoid-associated protein with high AT sequence recognition. The first gene in this operon was shown to encode an MCP by immuno-blot analysis of strains carrying beta-galactosidase protein fusions to portions of the operon. Shapiro, L., Rosen, O. M., AGABIANK, N., Hirsch, A. BACTERIAL DIFFERENTIATION AND PHAGE INFECTION. We reconstituted the DivL-CckA complex on liposomes in vitro and found that DivL directly controls the CckA kinase/phosphatase switch, and that stimulation of either CckA catalytic activity depends on the second of its two PAS domains. Thus, CckA activation is dependent on polar remodeling and a DNA replication initiation checkpoint that is tightly integrated with the polar phospho-signaling cascade governing cell cycle progression. The foregoing studies are intended to define a differentiation process and to permit genetic access to the mechanisms that control this process. The type 1 incoherent feedforward circuit motif enhances the pulse-like expression of the downstream genes, and the negative feedback to ctrA expression reduces peak CtrA accumulation. During this study the flaZ gene was fine-mapped and the positions of proC and rif changed from the previously reported location. Transcription of the fliQR operon is initiated at a specific time in the cell cycle, and deletion analysis revealed that the minimal sequence required for transcriptional activation resides within 59 bp of the start site. As the duplicated chromosomes are partitioned, factors that restrict assembly of the cell division protein FtsZ associate with a chromosomal locus near the origin, ensuring that the division site is located towards the middle of the cell. McpA, which forms a part of the chemoreceptor array, acts as a validation structure by being visible under both imaging modalities. Transcription initiating at the sigma 70-like promoter is under strict temporal control, whereas transcription initiating at the heat shock promoter at 30 degrees C is not. The aggregation pattern changes as a function of the cell cycle both during and upon completion of chromosome replication. The localization pattern of RcdA is coincident with and dependent upon ClpX localization. Given numerous examples reported thus far, we propose that bacterial polarity displays specific rules and is a more general phenomenon than has been previously recognized. The conserved nucleotides in the promoter region are clustered in the -10, -20 to -30, and -35 regions. Neither phosphatidylethanolamine nor its precursor phosphatidylserine was detected. These elements can modulate gene expression, but it is not known whether they normally function in genetic control. We show that the S. meliloti CtrA belongs to the CtrA-like family of response regulators found in several alpha-proteobacteria. The actin cytoskeleton represents a key regulator of multiple essential cellular functions in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The RNase III activity isolated from C. crescentus cell extracts has potential use in the analysis of specific RNA species because it was found to be more stringent in the recognition of cleavage sites than the E. coli enzyme. The main task of a bacterial cell is to survive and duplicate itself. The multiple phenotypes of the AE6000 mutant were found to cosegregate and to map between hclA and lacA on the C. crescentus chromosome. Induction of FtsZ curvature by FzlA carries implications for regulating FtsZ function by modulating its superstructure. Each cell division produces two distinct cell types: a swarmer cell and a stalked cell. PleA was found to be required for the insertion of the outer membrane pilus secretion channel at the cell pole and for the accumulation of the PilA pilin subunit. They are separated immediately after release from the replisome and move rapidly to their conserved positions in the incipient daughter cell compartments. The timing of transcription of two master regulator genes and two cell division genes is controlled by the methylation state of GANTC sites in their promoters. In C. crescentus, the Fix network is required for normal cellular growth during hypoxia and controls expression of genes encoding four distinct aerobic respiratory terminal oxidases and multiple carbon and nitrogen metabolic enzymes. Segregation in Caulobacter crescentus initiation in C. crescentus both eukaryotes and prokaryotes perceptions mice... Developmental biology involves the mechanisms that control this process regulatory functions gene contains a leader! Understanding this process, we have defined cis-acting sequences necessary for expression in a in. Methyltransferase, is essential for viability in Caulobacter can not occur unless a parS... 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