From your article, I realized that extracting 2& 15 can cause issue with lower molar (with no support from too) I have not got my wisdom tooth extracted. Also I have #17 , which I believe is giving me issues with my ear canal . In your opinion, what is the likelihood that my facial shape will change? Lower second molar extractions are one of the most common types of dental surgery. I had #31 extracted ten weeks ago. ,( there is a financial issue also for wisdom tooth + root canal + crown). I read your article and it mentioned the bottom tooth was a bit more important so I am thinking about saving the money. What a fantastic series of questions and careful responses! Do i need an appliance to open up the extraction space and place an implant in it? The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the If you do nothing your teeth will shift and you will lose more bone. Dentist recommends extract tooth 15 & 16. My nightmare started in August 2020 when I went in to get a cracked tooth fixed. Results last for years. Are you wanting to have an implant for your wisdom tooth? Loss of Permanent First Molars in the Mixed Dentition: Circumstances Resulting in Extraction and Requiring Orthodontic Management. When I have my #2 molar will the wisdom tooth come through? See an expert DDS! (I think its the molar?) I am 28 so may not but on the X-ray it did look likey wisdom tooth was impacted on my last molars root. Nature. Can you clarify? Neither BuyGoods nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. I am on antibiotics. The choices are interesting but maybe impractical. Several root canals and crowns as an adult. Thanks. I also require the spacing to be opened back up My dentist recommended a root canal for both but I do not want to do that and end up with more infections. I had an upper molar tooth extraction 12 days ago. Thank you so much for the info. It's surprisingly easy and affordable to replace a back molar with a dental implant. He is going to depend on the position of your wisdom tooth in relationship to your second molar. Shooting throbbing pain coming from 31, You can do the start of a root canal on the tooth to at least remove the nerve. He says the upper molar (15?) I just had #15 extracted due to an infection and bone decay around the tooth. I just had #18(US)extracted due to decay. Stay safe! It had a root canal and eventually was lost due to decay. My landline is 714 680-3467busy in mornings walking & sr.centers, etc. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. I also already had my wisdom teeth removed. Dental implant pros. I am only 28 and cannot afford this. The second molar is also the seventh tooth to erupt, and this normally occurs after the eruption of the . Or what should I do? Thank you. I recently got my bottom 2nd molar (18) extracted 3 days ago and the other 2nd molar (31) extracted exactly a month ago. He said the cavity may come back again in the future if I get it filled and that in the long run it could complicate it with potential root canal and a crown. Apicos on upper molars are not that successful. Is it advisable to redo the fillings by another dentist? If not, the opposing molar will begin to extrude and may interfere with your bite. Wait longer if it is in the front of the mouth. Hi Dr, please give your advice!! When I had mentioned it during consultation with my oral surgeon, he deemed it as having a maybe chance of working, but stressed that chewing isnt the only time the teeth come togetherthat they also come together when we swallow, for example. However if there is some bone erosion from the infection, will that bone grow back? Amazing, your willingness to share and respond to posts, thank you. I hope I am not too late on the post. There was no bone graph or implant. In this case, would the opposing still shift down if it has a little contact with the lower first molar. LIVESTRONG.COM. I really dont want get an implant because its very expensive and would need to save up. If you are sensitive to heat it is likely the tooth in front or behind it. If it is going to be lost because it has limited tooth structure then it would be better to extract and replace it. Is there a correlation? which is often all we need. Do it the right way, the first time. During the shutdown, the area above the tooth began to bother me and with a further x-ray after my dentist returned, a root canal was recommended prior to the final crown being installed. Now Im worried!! I have a cracked molar on number 15 Im in so much pain the dentist recommended me to an endo to try to save it but he doesnt know if they can save it and because of corona virus I have to wait to see an endo. Dental implants are not permanent but if they are designed well you can get many years out of them. More Notes: What should I do? Here is my QUESTION. . I really hope you can have the chance to answer mine. It sounds like maybe you have some baseline periodontal disease which needs to be managed but I do not know how you lost these teeth. Im 52, never had this much problem with any of my teeth before and it really has been a stressful time during all of this not to mention the anxiety. My daughter is 18 now, and the wisdom teeth are not in yet. I still have tooth #2 and #4. would a flipper tooth be an option in my case? Link it so my X-rays. I would research periodontal disease and speak to dentist about that. Do you recommend anything else to take or even natural remedies. Im wondering what is the timeframe for a dental implant after extraction? 2017 Jul;26(5):376-380. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12399. Everything else is much more aggressive like a bridge where your teeth are ground down. Last night sleep was interrupted and the hard swelling has not improved at all with some new pain with opening my mouth (I am exercising my jaw gently to avoid it getting too tight). Will all of my teeth shift backwards? Hi Dr, thanks for the reply. I thinks you should get a second opinion with a dentist with an exceptional reputation. We all grapple with these difficult decisions. Do you think I would need to get an implant for this? Dentist said there isnt a lot of room for them. sinus lifts Hello! My 14 year old daughter has been very delayed in losing her baby teeth and adult teeth forming. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Dental Health Foundation states that we have twelve molars in total, three on each side of the upper and lower . I do not want to do an implant. Have deep crack through bicuspid on upper right. How long do I need to wait to get an implant? I am worried having 28 & 17 extracted will have consequences on my bone structure, face and potential TMj problems. Thing is, this same dentist advised earlier a root canal + crown on #20 - which ended up without enough tooth structure to hold the post - temp crown fell off first day - now I have an implant healing waiting for the crown. Hello! Second Question: Will I need a implant ? I went for a root canal on number 3 but it was unable to be done because he could reach the end of the root. Her recommendation was to not redo the fillings as 1. I wish I had the time to personally look x-rays at the 100s of messages I receive daily. He was selling me on the idea of bone loss and spacing, however from what I see on your website it looks like it may not affect me? I had both the TOP wisdom tooth removed already. Your blog was enlightening about how your bite impacts the decision on a replacement for upper molar. Amoxicillin I wanted to know if Ill be fine without an implant. My question: What would be the drawbacks if I elected to not have the implant done. #18 is more important than #2 in most mouths I just had a filling done on my lower left molar. Some premium dentures use metal or mesh liners, which can range from $2,000 to $4,000 per plate. Now however I am gettingpain everyday and this has been going on for amonth. Im currently (today makes 7days taking it) on clindamycin and ibu 800 and now codeine (2 left of 12) bc the pain was so severe before they can do my procedure. That is the tooth that bites with #31. This is because of the timing of your extraction. - Let me know if I should repost the question. Thank you for replying to myself and everyone else . No blood and no pain. The upper tooth also has root canal and cant really hold a crown. Extracting . This can cause the tooth to grow in at an angle or become trapped beneath the gum line. I dont think my teeth are in good alignment. It will dissolve on its own once the tooth is gone. They say 4-6 months is typical, but can it be longer? If you are class 2 overbite then would be a great idea! He has a retainer for both top and bottom. Sometimes the bone over-erupts as well causing a much more serious problem. The tooth sensitivityseems to be primarily from #15 and #14 (an implant). Very uncomfortable to wear for a very last molar! but I am absolutely terrified of further invasive procedures, and the hard sell approach makes my anxiety even worse. Hi. My dentist put an implant to replace it and that fell off after 3 months. Botox is a good option for people that cannot wear a night guard if they just cannot tolerate it. It takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete while extraction takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. After the dentist takes out the tooth, the patient should anticipate some swelling, tenderness, irritation and discomfort. I have no problems not having this tooth and am much happier since it's been removed. Hello Doctor. The margins of socket 14 have maintained their margins quite nicely over the past 2.5 years and teeth haven t moved Would waiting for another 2 years do irreversible damage. Im 41 years old. Hi, can u kindly explain why braces? #19 is a critically important tooth. 2nd molar tooth extraction A 36-year-old member asked: How long does it take for recovery from a molar tooth extraction? If 3 is still in good condition (ie no cavities, roots still intact etc), what would you recommend? Do you recommend an implant to replace #14? Way too much force. Will my teeth shift or will I still be able to eat okay? Request an appointment here: or call Bal Harbour Smiles at (305) 440-4229 for an appointment in our Surfside office. Thank you for your kind words. If you have a typical class I bite pattern even with all of these other teeth you will still gets shifting of the upper second molar #2. Thank you!. Thank you for your very insightful article and all of your responses. According to my dentist, #2 is hard for me to clean and food will continue to get trapped. Thank you doctor! I guess my question is should I get an implant there. It is unlikely that the tongue depressor will work long-term. Which option would be best? can last 15 years or more and are the longest lasting option on the market. Great image! Can I just have the tooth extracted? Hello, The dentist recommended extracting, bone graft and implant. Yes the 3 very back ones (both of the bottom and one of the top), You will definitely need some implants. I have been told that implants are difficult to take care of. 2. Accept Sir My 2nd molar extracted on 24 th October. Removing tooth will not likely be pain-free. I am not sure whether you are replacing the upper or the lower but the article does discuss the difference between upper second molars and lower second molar dental implants. Youll be hard-pressed to find someone that would put an implant for wisdom tooth , There is a different type of implant that I specifically place in the wisdom tooth area called a pterygoid implant but that is very specific to full upper replacement, She needs to be coached on her oral hygiene every day using an electric toothbrush. Thank you Sir, 32 is a wisdom tooth., Based on your x-ray: It sounds like you need a new dentist! Tooth 2 needs to be extracted but tooth 3 needs a root canal and crown. See your dentist and have a long discussion about this but generally speaking he does not occur very often on the upper jaw!! If you do decide to do another one, due to your due diligence and find a very experienced implant specialist. its been 3months & bone/gums feel stil slightly sensitive when eating? Im 65 in generally good health and was curious about your opinion regarding post extraction options for that tooth. Could I have the tooth removed and then get a permanent retainer or maybe just treat the molar and see if it gets better. Im 35 and just had my bottom wisdom teeth removed in April. Do you think this is necessary? Im currently not eating with my R side. I am 29 years old. I understand that a flipper is not an option for that tooth. normal? On January 21 2020 i got a tooth extraction on 18 would I need to get implant? If you had #19 an #18 removed already than the only way to have a bridge would be to anchor it to #17. What happens if I do nothing? Dental Implants Average Costs. As I have stated in the article, the upper second molar sometimes it is not critical to replace. , Hello! I am 35 years old. zygomatic Hi, I need some advice regarding this. Sorry I forgot to mention Im 26 years of age. Socket bone grafting can preserve your jawbone from shrinking. I would go ahead and see an endodontist before you end up needing a second implant. It must also be a very hard, inflexible type if its going to hold the space. Bruising: Sometimes bruising can occur around the extraction site. Other reasons for removing second molars include infection, decay, or trauma. Sometimes #13 even feels sensitive. I have been in a constant state of anxiety over this and would really appreciate your input. But then the molar started to break apart and I had to get an emergency appointment with the oral surgeon to have it removed. However, tooth extractions are used as a last resort when nothing can be done to save a tooth. Would he be ok if he just extracted? Hi Dr. Amin! The pain a 10 sometimes Thoughts? I dont know if I can make it another week and half before my procedure without just pulling it? BMC Oral Health. First, your dentist will make an incision in your gums to expose the tooth. It is more critical went on the bottom than on the top. What is the downside of just doing the extraction? If impacted or advanced periodontal bone loss, then some of the root surface on the tooth next to it may be e Dr. Theodore Davantzis and another doctor agree. I dont use alcohol or tobacco. Many years earlier I had #14 extracted due to a failed root canal and an implant placed. See a root canal specialist first. I am 42 year old female and in great health. This includes the abutment and crown as well. Hi Mr. Ramsey, thanks for your article. Thank you. If I extract both, do I need to put in implants for both? You can make a 3 tooth bridge from #28-30 making 29 a pontic. Make sure she does not drink any soda of any kind. Read the article a second time. I was advised that I need to have tooth #18 (last molar on bottom left, wisdom teeth not present) extracted, bone grafts done, and an implant placed. Root canal/crown 31 Sometimes there are holistic dentist that make up strange procedures that have no scientific basis.. My dentist can not see any issues on an xrayand after some months of the pain coming and going he suggested I go to an endodontist to check #12, 13 14, and 15 and treat if needed. Booth S. Bacteria in your mouth can affect your brain. Once you lose one tooth than another it can be a domino effect. Poor prognosis to save. Surgery is not without risks. However, in most cases, a dentist will recommend waiting 3 to 6 months after a tooth extraction. I returned three times for a persistent moderate (but noticable) bad taste in my (otherwise completely healthy mouth). crowns This means that you are likely grinding her teeth because you are pressing your tongue up against her teeth. When I talk, my tongue hits the back side of my first molar and its like its getting in the way. Would my best option be to extract #31 and #2 to avoid the upper #2 hitting lower gum and getting a retainer like I read in one of the comments? I do not want to cause major dental problems down the road by making an uniformed poor choice now. That is SERIOUS! Since thenthe pain would subside and then return periodically. It is call orthodontic intrusion! Do I need to replace it and if I dont will the rest of my teeth in my mouth start moving later in life and look weird? Course consult with your dentist about this. The dentist who extracted my teeth was in a rush and didnt explain any options or anything regarding bone grafting to me. Change gauze pads prior to they become soaked with blood. I am now having pain which I believeis my left 2nd upper molar (#15). Thanks. Thank you. Thanks. After an extraction, it is best to be careful. I asked him if I needed an implant, he said we could talk about it in the future but he thought it was best to remove the tooth/ infection & let it heal first before doing the implant. 5 years ago i had molar #31 removed, ever since then no implant has been discussed, so I recently realized the bone has shrunk dramatically where the tooth has been removed. Assuming you have no health issues, do not smoke and follow the recommended instructions of your doctor, it can be a few days. Perhaps he will be lucky. Thank you for your honesty which I need. Your gums to swell. Will my face / facial structure change? Have more questions in mind. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted So my questions are: Is this a common/not-unusual event? Again, in 2014 and in 2016 my general dentist said that the outlook for #31 was poor and he recommended four quadrant osseous surgery. I was to told that I need a extraction on upper left 15 my last molar. I am scheduled for an extraction tomorrow but not I am second guessing my decision because I heard there will be negative long terms affects and possible #2 falling down. They strongly recommend an implant. If your tooth is predictably savable and it is best to keep it. I just recently had tooth 30 removed a few days ago. Do you advise an implant? Are there any statistics about the super eruption? A year ago I had root canal done on the second molar lower jaw. Problem is if I extract this molar, I will have no back molars on top right of my mouth. I was told that it is not advisable to simply get the tooth extracted and leave the space empty. Im 23 with smile line wrinkles like a 50 year old bcus of having my first molar removed on the right aide and 2nd molar removed on left at 17 and never replaced. Due to finances I am leaning toward extraction. I recently noticed that my wisdom tooth is starting to grow now. Since I was not able to get a crown soon enough due to close down my 26 split recently and I was told it has to be extracted. My tooth #31 was extracted two weeks ago, due to the tooth showing both internal and external resorption on 3-D xray and determination by an endodontist that it could not be saved with a root canal. Healing incisions and/or wounds produce a serum that is yellow. n. Tooth #31 is decaying because it cracked while eating some chips , dentist said it was too far gone to save and that a root canal , bone graph and implant followed by a crown will be necessary . Any options or anything regarding bone grafting to me to myself and everyone else tooth removed and return! All of your extraction eruption of the most common types of dental surgery the time personally. Can get many years out of them implant after extraction may not but on the post a... To your second molar hope I am 28 so may not but the. 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