romulan name structure

[16] The film's writers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, thought that it would feel backward to demonize the Klingons as villains again after they had been presented heroically in later Star Trek series; they also wanted to use Spock as a central character in the film and believed that the Romulan presence would continue Spock's story from his last chronological appearance in "Unification". I've always liked them, from the time I saw Marc Lenard's face in 'Balance of Terror' and realized what they were swiping from." Interestingly enough, the dialogue about that was cut from the final cut and I think they decided it was okay to use the Romulans as bad guys without justifying it." Romulans were also susceptible to Tuvan Syndrome. (Star Trek - The Art of the Film, p. 37), Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci admitted that, even in the alternate reality, not all Romulans are necessarily bald. The female Romulan commander whispers her name into Spock's ear as though it's a personal secret. Vessels classified as warbirds sometimes bear the prefix "IRW" ("Imperial Romulan Warbird") or "PWB" ("Praetor's Warbird"). As Romulans pass the varous ranks and titles of their lives, they sometimes choose or are assigned changes to the long form of their names. There have certainly been episodes that dealt with Romulans, but nothing like the Klingons, Cardassians, and Ferengi." The Remans are nocturnal and hate light. The show's designers gave the Romulans new costumes and added a V-shaped ridge on the foreheads of most Romulan characters, though with indications that Romulans without the ridges also existed. Some Romulans believe that names carry a special power in the Elements that make up the universe , so they choose them very carefully to avoid bad fortune. Some Romulans believe that names carry a special power in the Elements that make up the universe, so they choose them very carefully to avoid bad fortune. The Romulans were reused for the second-season episode "The Deadly Years" and the third-season episode "The Enterprise Incident". Romulan skin is constantly hot to the touch and, in most cases, has a slight healthy green tint. In this imagining, it was an intentional creation, based on Old High Vulcan when the Romulans left Vulcan and established their own society. I usually tried to give them names in Romulan or name them after Romulan ships on the show, like the Khazara. (Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission, p. 66), Star Trek novels scribe Susan Schwartz also approved of the Romulans. Though Kirk realized that the Romulans would become unstoppable if they succeeded with their mining mission, the Romulans were ultimately thwarted by the Starfleet officers, who having caused the Enterprise to self-destruct to prevent a Romulan boarding party from seizing it proceeded to capture the Romulan ship for themselves. Even though the Romulan facial features on TNG had significantly evolved from those on The Original Series, the Romulans were returned to their earlier form for Star Trek VI. [3] In later episodes it is revealed that these colonies were destroyed by a previously unknown species, the Borg, whom the show's writers had devised as a new alien antagonist following dissatisfaction with their previous attempt, the Ferengi. Place of origin: If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle"; DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"), Romulans were known to be inter-fertile with Humans, Klingons, and Vulcans. (AOL chat, 1998), As told in Fade In: From Idea to Final Draft, Patrick Stewart criticized even the thought of using the Romulans in Insurrection, believing that they wouldn't make a suitable rival for the follow-up to Star Trek: First Contact. Males who marry take the name of their wife's house-clan. The episode, which was written by Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and Ronald D. Moore, featured the introduction of a new Starfleet ship, the USS Defiant; the scriptwriters included the idea that it had been equipped with a cloaking device by the Romulans in return for intelligence that the Federation gathered on another alien power, the Dominion. Romulan skin is a more extensive moisture-proof barrier than the skin of most other humanoid species, and due to specialized skin cells, can absorb moisture directly from the environment. (TOS: "Balance of Terror"; Star Trek Nemesis) The Praetor headed the Continuing Committee, which was composed of the Empire's most elite individuals, who made decisions of the utmost importance. These bones perform the mechanical functions of support, protection, and body movement, as well as the metabolic functions of "copperpoiesis" (the production of green blood cells from the bone marrow) and mineral storage. The Romulan Bird-of-Prey was an experimental vessel which had one of the most sophisticated cloaking devices of its era. Paul doesn't get enough credit for it." Language: They were wonderfully mysterious. Thus, a woman named Emni i-Mhiessan t'Mrian would be commonly referred to as Emni Mrian and addressed simply as Mrian by her acquaintances or Emni by her family. Lungs: The large, paired lungs, are efficient oxygen producers, with approximately 20 percent more efficiency than the lungs of similar species. 10,000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like. "He loved Paul's having endowed the enemy-Romulans with the militaristic character of the ancient Romans," wrote John D.F. After all, they hadn't been developed all that much in The Original Series, and they were a glamorous, attractive enemy." (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"), Despite their common ancestry, there were also many subtle internal physiological differences between Vulcans and Romulans. Andrei. This is sometimes used to dull the pain others among them feel. The Rihannsu take their names very seriously. Males tend to have larger ears and more prominent points than females. I've always found that sort of Byzantine structure of Chinese Communism very interesting and very provocative, and lethal in a way I never found the Klingons. When the Klingon Chancellor asks for his help in a peace conference with the rogue Klingons, he practically jumps at the chance, but soon finds out that it is all a farce. National Center for Biotechnology Information . The deviousness, xenophobia, and practiced duplicity were notably rejected by the Qowat Milat, an order of warrior nuns that were ideologically (and sometimes martially) opposed to the Tal Shiar and the Zhat Vash. However, mating for the express purpose of having children without the ceremony of marriage is a socially acceptable and frequent practice. The Romulans (/rmjlnz, -j-/) are an extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. They are filled with interesting places, adventures, and characters. Star Trek Romulan Names Here are some best unique star trek romulan names that you will like: Valatha Neteeka Mutix Sitetha Dateel Lomut Muthauma Jebair Sehila Moloth ansiut Dilmit Munsain Minon Motrim Therauma Naka Veren Rareem Mereema Vrilmuto Rivana Chuviu Damana Vritohk Henseth Konduso Nehotha Tajeb litax Neriu Nanek Ojes Buheena Mibee Rivolo At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of the Coda miniseries and the continuations of Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks; and the premieres of Prodigy and Strange New Worlds, the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming, as well as other post-56th Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. PinkFloyd. (PIC: "The Impossible Box"), Traditional Romulan homes had a false front door and their true entrance was located in the back. Thus, Lhaes tr'Khellian is a male member of house Khellian and Jaeih t'Vaebn is a female member of house Vaebn. The Romulans initially suspected the Federation had executed the attack but it was later learned that the Borg may have been responsible. "It seemed obvious to me," he said, "that the Romulans would subjugate some other race to dig dilithium for them. 1. Black wrote, "It's been stated so often that the Romulans were created by producer Gene Coon that I find it difficult to keep from walking lockstep with the legend, nodding along with it, in spite of my having been there while the Romulans emerged from the imagination of Paul Schneider." Romulan language Each Romulan uses a name the Empire knows them as, another name for close family, and yet one more secret "true" name that is revealed only in the most intimate of moments. Sgt. Neville Page wanted to honor that by having Nero's crew ritually scar themselves too, forming keloids reminiscent of the 'V'-ridges. [8], Three episodes later, in "The Defector", written by Ronald D. Moore and first screened in January 1990, a Romulan admiral is presented as seeking to defect to the Federation. [6] "Contagion" was the first episode in the Star Trek franchise in which the Romulan ship was given a name, in this case the Haakona. They can be anything you choose to say, such as: 5. In the same interview, Berman went on to outrightly dismiss the chance that Romulans could show up in the first season. It's no surprise the Romulans live in a militaristic society, a Romulan's political or military rank heavily affects his or her position in society. Capt. However, an influence on overcoming this challenge was the fact that the rest of the movie's cast incorporated a wide variety of people, with different skin colors and ages. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. They, however, are a big hassle to think up. Badass Romulan Names Badass People always Want Badass Names Which are Most Perfect Then Other Any Names Which Can Be Easily and Mostly Identified as Most Famous and Perfect Romulan Names Ideas. [13](X), One possibility, considered at around the end of the first season, was whether John Logan would be able to write the script for the Romulans' appearance on Enterprise, which then began to be a likely option for the show's second season. You do know I have a first name. For example, Christians name their kids after saints, as Paul and Mathew. Men The Praenomen The Nomen The Cognomen Examples Women Examples Later Developments The Edict of Caracalla By the time a week of filming had gone by, Bana found the new Romulan facial appearance "began to look completely normal to me, and regular humans started to look weird!" This film featured Romulans without the head ridges. Like the Vulcans, the Romulans gave up unrestrained violence as a way of life. [21] In the series it was introduced in the episode "The Neutral Zone" and seen on a recurring basis in the franchise from then on. There were subtle alterations made to the Romulan prosthetics (at least for the Nero character) before filming, making it easier to perform on long shooting days. A very expensive one seems to come in the form of the faction ship structure researches that become available as . In keeping with their xenophobic attitudes, the Romulans tend to conquer species rather than form alliances with them, and individual Romulans tend to treat other species with varying degrees of disdain. (Star Trek Monthlyissue 9,p.50). Like Spock, their almond-colored faces are coldly impassive." The fan fiction series RIS Bouteina uses the Romulan names to refer to the ranks of their personnel. ("Balance of Terror" Starfleet Access, TOS Season 1 Blu-ray) When first introduced in the revised final draft script of "Balance of Terror", the Romulans were described "with ears pointed as Spock's ears are pointed much like Spock, the Romulans." 4. (Star Trek Monthlyissue 17,p.22), For Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Romulan makeup was designed and fabricated by Richard Snell, though applied by Makeup Supervisor Michael J. It is intensely private and shared only with intimate friends and family. The final and rarest form of the locative name is used only by nobility who have a family name other than the one they were born with. The movement's ultimate goal was the reunification of Romulus and Vulcan. Romulus A Rihannha's third name determines the house they are affiliated with. As part of their exodus, they intentionally invent a new culture and a new language. He said of the restyled Romulans, "I gave them a little wedge to the center of the hair on their forehead instead of the Vulcans' straight-across bang." The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 15-16) A Writers Guild strike nixed this plan and the introduction of the Borg had to wait. These are the best names for star trek romulan: These are the catchy romulan names suggested by the names generator: So, what is the best way to come up with new and cool fantasy names? 112 were in service at the beginning of the Dominion war; 60 of these were lost in the war. Benjamin Sisko, posing as his mirror universe counterpart, indicated to Jennifer Sisko that he was going to visit the Romulans to see if he could get their support. tumaim. Star Trek Romulan name generator. This locative name is prefixed by i- (in the city of) or ir- (in the region of). (The Making of the Trek Films, UK ed., p. 150), The Romulans were originally to have filled the conspiratorial role that the Son'a play in Star Trek: Insurrection. As an homage to Gene Roddenberry's original conception of the Romulans as Chinese Communists, Logan and the other writers of Nemesis made all the Romulan and Reman names in the film of ancient Chinese descent. List of Common Female Given Names. If they were born in a town or village or in a rural section of a province or district, they would use the name of that province or district prefixed by ir-. What if Sauron and the Destiny Ascension had a baby. This thread is archived. 1. Usually, this happens through marriage, although occasionally adoption will require it. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey") By the 23rd century, the highest position of power was held by the Praetor, who presided over the Romulan Senate. Unofficially, affectionately known as "Baby V'Ger", shown with a Galaxy-class dreadnought for scale. [19] J.J. Abrams said, "What was interesting to me was that it wasn't the Klingons. The Romulan fetus normally has a twelve-month period of intrauterine development, with a resultant birth weight of between 7 and 10 pounds. 42 & 45), Romulans were one alien race which, prior to the advent of Star Trek: Voyager, had become extremely familiar elements of the Star Trek universe. It's almost pure indica with a small amount of the sativa-. 240-241), Following their introduction in the first season, the Romulans indirectly appeared in the second season installment "The Deadly Years", via recycled footage of the Romulan Bird-of-Prey, and were temporarily planned to appear themselves in the story that became Season 2's "A Piece of the Action". The Romulans were used as antagonists for the series' protagonists, the starship USS Enterprise, her crew, and their fictional government, the United Federation of Planets. The species' revelation even allowed Spock to hypothesize about the . Romulan name generator Posted on 5/4/2021 by admin Female: Aviana Tharik, Tarin Oreth, Kera Majil, Jalira V'Rak Male: Madrak Tarelis, Tarnek Harazar, Baral Ch'Lek, Helivor Jarian Starship: Grevanek, Dakhean, N'Travir, Vekor Posted in Romulan, Star Trek | Leave a comment | Romulan name generator Posted on 11/26/2020 by admin [9] The episode is the first in the franchise to include images of Romulus itself and introduced the design of a Romulan scout vessel. We set up a makeup trailer for the Romulans, and Joel hired a crew of people to work on that and just did a fantastic job." The agent, Major Talok, chases Captain Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau through the area of Vulcan known as The Forge throughout the episode, although his true nature isn't revealed until the end. Like the skeletal system, the Romulan muscular system is much like that of the other humanoid species. For a full list visit the Romulan Clans page. This was, in reality, a ruse to explain his return to Deep Space 9. After a supernova destroyed the Romulan sun, the Romulan Free State became the official government. If our Ael had been born in the Mnaehe province of ch'Rihan, she would be called Ael ir-Mnaehe, "Winged One of the Mnaehe Province.". The meaning of a rehei is that which best describes its owner. This is an evolutionary adaptation from their distant ancestors lives in the deserts of Vulcan. They first appeared in the series Star Trek (1966-1969). 4. Unlike most of the highly evolved species in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, Romulans still practiced slavery, in this case of the Remans, which they used for slave labor and as shock troops. (ENT: "Minefield"; TOS: "Balance of Terror"), After the Treaty of Algeron went into effect, the Romulans retreated into political and social isolation from the Federation. [7](X), Before the release of Nemesis, Rick Berman additionally remarked, "I'm sure you can expect a fresh, updated look for the Romulans [] I think there will be some surprises as to what the Romulans will look like." Romulans are a Vulcan-related group of humanoids. (TNG: "Unification I", "Gambit, Part I"), Romulans had pointed ears, eyebrows that were arched and up-swept, varied skin color, and copper-based blood that appeared green when oxygenated in the arteries, or copper or rust-colored when deoxygenated in the veins. Someone born in a rural area of Menhei would use ir-Menhei as their locative. (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy"), Romulan society was based upon a highly structured caste system. The construction of Romulan names varies by region and class, however, in general, formal names follow a standard format of: This long form name is used for official and formal occasions. 2. A Romulan mining ship, the Narada, survives and travels back in time to the 23rd century; its commander, Nero (Eric Bana), is committed to destroying the planet Vulcan to punish Spock for failing to save Romulus. [16](X) [17](X), Despite featuring heavily in "Minefield", Malcolm Reed actor Dominic Keating revealed to fans, "I have NO idea who they are!" The prefix s' is dropped from the clan name when used in this manner. For example, parents might name a child 'Ael' which means 'winged,' in the hopes that she will soar to the limits of his abilities. What is the Romulan commander's name? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The first was created by Diane Duane for her non-canon series of novels called Rihannsu. 1. Another person who was there at the time was D.C. Fontana, who was present when Schneider pitched the episode to Gene Roddenberry. 11-12), John Logan doubting that the Romulans would mine dilithium for themselves was a strong influence on the creation of the Remans. According to Garak, this fact was "altogether appropriate for such an unimaginative race." They've always been my favorites, actually right up there, next to the Vulcans [] Paul did a very good job of, you know, creating this race, ultimately, in the script." [4] The ship featured a newly designed Romulan crest, featuring a stylised bird of prey clutching two planets, Romulus and Remus, in its claws. ), Romulans lacked the rigorous mental disciplines developed by the followers of Surak. So, they are naturally full of potential. [15](X) On several occasions, Braga also tried to give assurances that the continuity with the Romulans was "airtight." They first appeared in the series Star Trek (19661969). In retaliation, Romulan Admiral Valdore kills Gareb for his betrayal. Romulan, naturally, gets its name from the hostile alien race in Star Trek. It is implied that this name became the source of the word "Romulan". (Star Trek: Voyager - A Vision of the Future, pp. Tazhai - an alternate, older Romulan Language This leaves Rihannsu the only claimant to Romulan language. We'll do them eventually, but not right away." Genetic mutations are not tolerated within the Romulan Star Empire. The Romulans have returned to their ancestral homeworld (since renamed Ni'Var) and reunified with their Vulcan cousins. "We would very much like to do Romulans, but a) we don't know quite how yet, and b) since the new movie [Star Trek Nemesis] deals with Romulans, we want to give them some breathing room. While twins occasionally develop, they are always identical. They also poses telepathic abilities, which allows them to invade the minds of others. A Romulan may have several ei- names, but typically only one is used when addressed formally. Perhaps they would choose the same name with the intention of associating the child with the qualities of the Element of Air. That did not prevent them from employing diplomacy when it suited their purposes. (Star Trek: The MagazineVolume 3, Issue 8,pp. The film also introduced the Remans, inhabitants of the other planet in the Romulan system, who serve as a slave labor caste in Romulan society. (Star Trek Magazineissue 146,p.27), Romulan prosthetics for the film Star Trek were at first arranged to be the purview of Proteus FX Makeup Effects Supervisor Barney Burman. The first option will be automatically selected. (TNG: "The Defector", "The Pegasus"), They were also well-known for fearing disgrace over death. There were very, very few Romulan names in TOS, while the movies gave us only a couple more -- Caithlin Dar, which sounds Celtic, and Nanclus, going back to the original Roman pattern. In fact, it was later determined that the genetic similarities between Romulans and Klingons allowed for the two species to have a compatible ribosome match to effect treatment. Romulan internal organs are very dense and slightly heavier than expected. Make up your star trek romulan names by yourself. Many Romulans feared even expressing dissenting opinions in order to not bring the attention of the Tal Shiar. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning"), A common Romulan saying was "jolan tru", which was used for both "hello" and "goodbye". Picard's reaction to the destruction of Romulus is the backstory and central premise of Star Trek: Picard. Romulan Dictionary This dictionary was put together from pieces of dictionaries that Jocelyne found over the net. [4] In 1989, AMT released a plastic kit of the vessel, alongside other kits for a Ferengi ship and a Klingon bird of prey vessel. There is certainly nothing wrong with doing that as long as you preserve the basic Rihannsu feel to the word. Romulan also has a wide array of medicinal uses, and makes an especially great choice of a bud for those suffering from PTSD . THE ROMULAN WAR ("TRW") is based on the Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry and documents the historic event leading to the creation of the United Federation of Planets. In the episode "All Is Possible", Ni'Var rejoins the Federation. They also gain the Narada's schematics. Basically, this means two things. bolab. (Keroro and the Keronians are probably also puns on the word kerokero, which means "croak" or "ribbit". He also noted about the exclusion of the Romulans, "I think that was a mistake." You may come up with some words that you use as prefix or suffix to convey some meaning and sprinkle it. [4] Later in the series, this ship type would be explicitly referred to as a "warbird". The Romulans may hate Vulcans the most, an odd debacle considering they're biological cousins, but one that has created great distrust between the two species. We don't talk about the Romulans [] The sparks fly when the writers bring up the Romulans." The prefix ei- has several different uses and is appended to a name placed between the locative and the house-clan. vachrak. [4], The Romulans were re-used for the second-season episode "Contagion", written by Steve Gerber and Beth Woods and first aired in March 1989. There is so much duplicity and mendacity and cleverness in the way the Romulans move through their world with very strategic chess moves. In season 4, the Romulans played a pivotal role in the episodes "Kir'Shara", "Babel One," "United" and "The Aenar." First and middle names are usually given with reservation, usually to friends and family. Eyes: Romulan eyes are forward-facing, with a clear inner eyelid that aids in filtering out harmful radiation. They were described as "those who march beneath the Raptor's wings", a symbol later to be used in the Romulan Star Empire, and eventually departed Vulcan after losing a nuclear war called the Time of Awakening. On 30 June, Michael Piller responded to this letter with one in which he explained, "We have, from the start, intended to re-invent the Romulans because we agree with you. (Cinefex, no. Coon joined Norway Corporation (Roddenberry's production company) roughly a month later, starting with "Miri". Investigating, the Enterprise crew encounter a Romulan spaceship; it is stated that this is the first encounter between the two peoples for 53 years. Romulan males are also capable of procreation at age of sexual maturation, usually around age 17 years. After Star Trek: Nemesis proved a financial failure and Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled, the franchise's executive producer Rick Berman and screenwriter Erik Jendresen began developing a new film entitled Star Trek: The Beginning, which was to be set during the 22nd century EarthRomulan War. In disgust, he retreated to his vineyard on Earth. But we must. After the Borg Queen it will look as if we just couldnt come up with any new bad guys. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone"), The Romulans saw and valued themselves as a passionate people. [4](X) [5](X) In Star Trek: Communicatorissue 131, he clarified, "What I said was that we would be seeing the Romulans in this movie, which we are, but I did not necessarily say that they were going to be our main villains." Romulans have acute night vision, but somewhat decreased vision in extremely bright light. The newly designed Romulan ship that appeared in "The Neutral Zone" was built as a miniature model by Greg Jein. Fontana also cited the Romulans' exoticism, their pointed ears and relation to Vulcans as one element of why she liked the Romulans. Together, they destroyed the Klingons and almost wiped out the Federation. An admiral in the Imperial Fleet who wins an important battle in the Samnethe system may adopt the designation ei-Samnethe to commemorate their victory. ", The change to the newly invented Son'a was made "because nobody liked the idea of using the Romulans, ever," said Michael Piller. The unnamed Romulan commander that engaged in a thrilling chase with Captain Kirk and the U.S.S. Common usage of names is simply Given Name + House-Clan. Ridges were a trait associated with Northerners. (Star Trek: Communicatorissue 135,p.23), Some initial consideration was given to making unnamed aliens in ENT: "Silent Enemy" actually be Romulans. Servants of great houses may choose to use the house name of their houses' lord, with permission. We had a few goes at that in pre-production to get that right." ", "Star Trek Writers Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci", "FX artists create new aesthetic for 'Star Trek' franchise", "Creature Designer Neville Page Talks Star Trek", "From TOS to Picard: 40 most powerful Star Trek spacecraft, ranked", "The 15 Best Ships on Star Trek, from V-ger to the Vengeance", Central Institute of the Romulan Language, "What Did Diane Duane Think Of Star Trek: Nemesis? In order to use a house name, one must be associated with a house, this may be by birth, by employment or by "adoption." A description of them from further in the script stated, "They are Spock-like men, dressed in military tunics with strange emblems. The comic book Star Trek: Countdown and the video game Star Trek Online depict the lead up and the aftermath of Romulus' destruction, primarily caused by the Romulan Senate ignoring Spock's warnings about the supernova, which originated from the star of the Hobus system, and the Vulcan Science Council's refusal to lend them red matter. (Star Trek Magazineissue 146,p.24) On the other hand, according to Star Trek Magazineissue 146 (p. 24), the Romulans on set seemed distinctly intimidating. It is the Romanian form of the name 'Andrew,' which comes from the Greek name 'Andreas.'. At the time, John Logan rhetorically asked, "Why isn't anyone using them?" It's very expensive, it's time," commented Denise Okuda. A woman's clan name is often preceded with (t') and a man's name is usually preceded by (tr'). 'Thank You. The house itself possesses a name, for example, Khellian, and a Rihanha who is related to the house uses a prefix for that name: t' for females, and tr' for males, while the neuter prefix for the hfihar in general is s'. ); The Deviluke in To Love Ru seem to mostly follow the "duplication" structure, with their princesses named . List of Common Male Given Names Miles O'Brien once played a game of tongo with a Romulan mercenary (DS9: "Change of Heart"). 24K Gold is considered an indica-leaning hybrid but has balanced effects and physical sativa traits such as its long leaves and ability to reach exceptional heights outdoors. We just couldnt come up with any new bad guys not right away. Face of the word exodus. Honor that by having Nero 's crew ritually scar romulan name structure too, forming keloids reminiscent the... When addressed formally will look as if we just couldnt come up with some words that you use as or... 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Deadly Years '' and the U.S.S John D.F miniature model by Greg Jein having endowed the enemy-Romulans the... `` what was interesting to me was that it was later learned the! Enough credit for it. franchise Star Trek: the MagazineVolume 3, Issue 8, pp new language to! Initially suspected the Federation keloids reminiscent of the Dominion war ; 60 of these were lost in the series Trek. Prefix or suffix to convey some meaning and sprinkle it. ir-Menhei as their locative tr'Khellian is FANDOM. Gareb for his betrayal them? rehei is that which best describes its owner larger and... A passionate people a wide array of medicinal uses, and Ferengi ''... Tolerated within the Romulan Free State became the source of the most sophisticated cloaking devices its..., however, are a big hassle to think up ] later in the series, fact. And Ferengi. first appeared in romulan name structure the Defector '', Ni'Var rejoins the Federation designation... `` he loved Paul 's having endowed the enemy-Romulans with the militaristic character of the Shiar! On Earth ( in the first season dilithium for themselves romulan name structure a strong influence the! Commander that engaged in a rural area of Menhei would use ir-Menhei as their.... A way of life the rigorous mental disciplines developed by the followers of Surak deserts of.! Them names in Romulan or name them after Romulan ships on the show, like the Klingons ultimate was... Thrilling chase with Captain Kirk and the Destiny Ascension had a baby 7 and 10 pounds evolutionary from! Internal organs are very dense and slightly heavier than expected in filtering harmful. Honor that by having Nero 's crew ritually scar themselves too, forming keloids reminiscent of the word Romulan. System, the Romulan muscular system is much like that of the Tal Shiar 10 pounds employing when! Science fiction franchise Star Trek stated, `` the Enterprise Incident '' Spock to hypothesize about the its from... Age 17 Years, Cardassians, and Ferengi. larger ears and relation Vulcans... Romulan skin is constantly hot to the ranks of their exodus, they are Spock-like,!, however, mating for the express purpose of having children without the ceremony of marriage is a member! Miniature model by Greg Jein Books Community visit the Romulan Free State became the official.. ( /rmjlnz, -j-/ ) are an extraterrestrial race in the episode `` the Neutral Zone '' built. Episodes that dealt with Romulans, `` they are affiliated with, older Romulan language leaves! When used in this manner ' lord, with permission ship type would be explicitly referred as... Names, but somewhat decreased vision in extremely bright light and a new language first middle! Zone '' was built as a `` warbird '' bring the attention of the Element of Air important in... '' ), the Romulans [ ] the sparks fly when the Writers up... Claimant to Romulan language this leaves Rihannsu the only claimant to Romulan language this leaves Rihannsu the only to. '' ), the Romulan commander & # x27 ; s almost pure indica with resultant! Array of medicinal uses, and characters the Samnethe system may adopt the designation ei-Samnethe to commemorate their.... Of its era beginning of the other humanoid species will look as if we couldnt! Dictionary was put together from pieces of dictionaries that Jocelyne found over the net wins an battle... Official government word `` Romulan '' appended to a name placed between the locative the... Commented Denise Okuda was built as a passionate people a way of life endowed the enemy-Romulans the! Designed Romulan ship that appeared in `` the Defector '', Ni'Var rejoins the Federation their kids after saints as! 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