should smokers pay more for health insurance debate

The second ethical argument for charging smokers higher insurance rates is that it is actuarially fair because individual insurance rates should be based on expected payouts. Or. Only if drunks & drug addicts will pay more. But in that set of a high premium group lets include heavy drinkers, druggies, risky life style adrenaline junkies and anyone who even has a habit of driving fast on public streets. Here, in fact, is an estimate of how tobacco surcharges influence insurance enrollment rates among smokers and non-smokers. Sure why not? ABSOLUTELY! Jack, that may be the dumbest question I've ever heard. Differential premiums determined by health habits is currently prohibited in Australia, as its considered discriminatory. Why should I continue to support bad behavior by paying for it. I don't like the idea of making anyone pay more (people pay enough as it is), I think discounts for good behavior would be appropriate. If I wasn't so blessed, I couldn't afford medical insurance at all. Smokers face significantly increased health risks, which can drive up the cost of their overall health care, as well as high prices for cigarettes. Everyone has an opinion on smoking, and according to the findings of a new survey, its an overwhelmingly negative one. You may change your billing preferences at any time in the Customer Center or call Hey Jack- These people should probably pay more but YOU should pay more attention to the words you use. It is legal for smokers to be charged more for employer-sponsored health insurance in most instances. People that are overweight also are electing to be overweight. Last week, Dallas County in Texas joined the growing ranks of employers that charge employees who smoke a higher monthly health insurance premium than employees who don't light up. For one its not any healthier for others that do not smoke with others that smoke around them, What good is paying health insurance, If your health is not on the healthy side. Sometimes you need a kick in the pants to get going. Smoking and the lack of eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a choice everyone can make. Educate yourself on healthy/inexpensive foods like beans (which you can buy bulk) and are excellent sources of nutrition. Let's give people who smoke free tobacco-company-paid health insurance. Severance, a popular Emmy Award-winning show streaming on Apple TV+, is a rich cultural artifact. Federal government rules let employers charge smokers up to 50 percent of the cost of their health insurance benefits. Should fat people and smokers pay more for healthcare insurance? Van Baal and colleagues compared the lifetime health care costs of three groups: smokers, obese individuals, and healthy individuals. F) Perhaps, a future generation will be improved by not smoking and eating healthier. If they participate and make improvements then there is no impact. Of course they should pay more. Four-fifths of states follow that protocol, though most employer-based . So to those healthy ones out there shouting "YES they should charge".. beware, they may be charging you for breathing fresh air one day! I excersise every day, eat healthy and take care of myself. Fat people and smokers should pay more absolutly. A health insurance policyholder with a BMI in the obese range pays 22% more in health insurance premiums than a person with a BMI in the normal range. Many can only afford cheap hamburgers, bologna, potatoes, mac and cheese, and cheap frozen pizzas-Especially in the South where wages are generally lower. Lord knows this country needs both. A recent article in Health Affairs estimated its annual cost to be $147 billion and growing. The ACA recognizes the increased costs associated with smoking employees by allowing insurers to raise smokers premiums up to 50 percent over those paid by non-smokers. And where would you draw the line and how would you adjust rates? You start slipping down a slippery slope when you single out select segments of the population. This site uses cookies. In sane countries with universal healthcare, they already do - the cigarettes are taxed, and a good deal of that tax goes into the national healthcare service to pay for the inevitable. Othersrebutted that suntanning, eating junk food and drinking alcohol also count as voluntary bad habits that can negatively impact on health. As long as there are no consequences for these people for their choices why would they change. In The Cure for Politicized Pediatric Gender Care, Moti Gorin argues that a U.S.-based systematic review, conducted by a trusted major medical organization such as the National Institutes of Health or the National Academy of Medicine, is needed to develop consistent standards for pediatric gender care. This objection is not very persuasive, however, because financial penalties do not significantly limit personal freedom. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. Dont expect to escape a penalty for smoking if you get coverage through your job. Only if we charge more for people who drive cars, motorcycle riders, skiers, people who drink alcohol more than a couple of times a week, people who eat unhealthily, people who live in dangerous neighborhoods, people who have lots of stress, people undergoing divorces, single people, people who engage in unsafe sex, people who say shit to people who might kick their ass, people in groups likely to be targeted by violence, athletes, and people who work desk jobs. What do people claim they do but in reality they dont? Not just in cancer treatments, diabetes care, etc., but the up front costs as well. There should be more places where only smokers can smoke freely. If I cause a greater loss experience for my auto insurance company because of my poor driving habits and/or poor choice of vehicle, my insurance company charges me more. Use more, pay more. This is not like people with cancer, etc. a day?!?!?! In the case of smoking yes if they refuse to quit. But whats this if they can afford it stuff? And also the health care system could be smokers already pay more in excise taxes than the social costs of their habits. You could soon be saving thousands of dollars with one of the 40+ lenders we compare. Why not make health insurance premiums lower for those that take steps to improve their health? It always seems people don't do something until it hits their pocketbook. Private health insurance for smokers - Do they pay more? According to insurance companies, it appears that simply living and breathing is a good cause to raise premiums. This is money that can then be fed back into public resources, such as the healthcare system. On second thought, we should just give them all our money now and be done with it. This is kind of what private health insurance risk analysts do. States, however, can set their own rules to reduce or eliminate that surcharge, and 10 so far have chosen to do so. Starting next year, Wal-Mart will charge employees who smoke higher premiums, along with offering a free program to help them quit. There are two main ethical arguments for charging smokers higher insurance rates. With statistics like that, the negative impact of smoking is hard to ignore. Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Quitting smoking can reverse some of its effects within years, making you a less likely candidate for heart disease and lung cancer. Fat, smokers, too skinny, birth defects, pimples. everyone should pay more, right? Not all products available from our partners are compared and not all products are available to all customers. Yes, shame on us for enjoying our lives. It's no secret that quitting cigarettes isn't as easy as not lighting up. Who would YOU Hire First ?? Should smokers and fat people pay more for health care? But rather into the pockets of the lobbyists that lobby for the tobacco companies. a reasonable alternative such as attending educational classes must be given to employees for whom it is unreasonably difficult to stop smoking. It is affordable and available, people choosing not to purchase increase costs for everyone else as the providers must have money to cover their cost. It seems to me that people would respond better to a program that rewards them as opposed to one that punishes them. Of course they should pay more. Jack as I walk through the mall, all i see are overweight people, when i leave the mall, i see at least a dozen or so people puffing a cigarette in the parking lot. Forget about being able to afford to go to a gym. Why should I pay for other peoples bad choices. If this tax means it will help people stay more healthy, reduce the out of control obesity in America, and lower health care be it! Why would they stop there? They should only be charged more if 1) their habits actually incur measurably more cost, and 2) those individuals without the same habits get a discount. is this what we want to teach our kids? CCA is a credit rep (Credit Representative Number 519886) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (ACL Number 486326), please see our Credit Guide. I don't need or want Health Insurance. Sure. In a recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine, Ezekiel Emanuel and colleagues clearly illustrate the relevance of ethical considerations to policy deliberations concerning public health emergencies. You may cancel your subscription at anytime by calling I'm not a smoker nor fat. Read Pediatric Gender Care: Absence of Evidence Is Not Absence of Efficacy, Read The Cure for Politicized Pediatric Gender Care, Read Moving On from Covid? I am already paying a $25 per week surcharge to my insurance carrier due to smoking. Ethics Consult: Potentially Hasten Baby's Death to Ease Suffering? These are things that people can control, and why anyone would choose to smoke in this day in age is beyond me. For one, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevents employees in group health plans from being charged more because of a health factor, which includes health status, medical condition and claims experience, among other things. Iranian womens rights movement faces brutal retaliation from government, Doctors trained abroad will save rural health care. Sadly, yes ! It needs to be a flat rate for everyone. Hey this reminds me of car insurance. I am sorry but if you are overweight or a tobacco user you are going to incur a greater risk and have a greater chance of needing insurance to cover costs. People in the lowest class, who cant afford to make health changes or simply don't have time to work out because they have to provide for the family, are essentially being punished for not having the "spare time". The Affordable Care Act and federal rules dont spell out what companies can do if you lie on a health insurance application about smoking or if you start or resume using tobacco during the year after premiums are set. None surpassed Will. 6."Health Insurance Surcharges for Tobacco Users: State and Federal Rules." Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users should call 1- 844-704-7357), 24 hours a day/7 days. More importantly, for the purposes of this post, when surcharges arose in 2014, there was a pretty steep decline in the percent of smokers who purchased insurance. Smokers pay high prices for their cigarettes, but many Australians believe that they should pay high prices for health insurance premiums too. Insurance comp. So its only fair that people who live unhealthy lifestyles, which increase the costs to those of us who are more responsible, pay more for their choices too. For the same reason young boys pay more than girls for car insurance. The price of life insurance is based to an extent on the health of the insured. Good question. Also obese persons with non-preexisting conditions to cause their weight/cholesterol/etc. Smokers should be allowed to make lifestyle choices free from coercion from employers, insurers, or the government. We are all imperfect beings--to cause to have those who have "flaws" to pay more-is absolutely retarded--how about those who drink--how about those who can't hear--how about those who are constipated-GREED knows no boundaries! The health insurance industry unexpectedly began to support a plan for universal health insurance for American citizens. Weston gives this example: Say, for instance, your health insurance benefits cost the company $1,000 a month. As a person who is living large, I can tell you that I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes, my knees and back are fine. Although my company does not provide anything to assist me with these items, there is plenty of free and low cost assistance on both items. For example, a 40-year-old nonsmoking female and a 40-year-old smoking female would pay the same premium for the same policy. How would you prove that the condition was directly caused by smoking, rather than being a pre-existing illness? On every pack of cigarettes there are warning that indicate they are hazardous to your health. Personally, I have abandoned the US Insurance system and contracted with a private German carrier for international coverage. The idea that poor people will be hurt by this is ridiculous. The folks behind Obamacare thought theyd figured out how to respect everyones rights, by giving health insurance companies the ability to charge higher premiumsa surchargefor smokers, up to 50% higher in some parts of the country. Or a family history of colon cancer? Fat people and smokers definetly should pay more for their Health Insurance. These unhealthy choices in life ( yes, being fat is a choicenot a disease) deserve consequences. How would you feel about riding in a car that drives itself? Abstract. Jack ~ Sorry to answer your question with another question, but it is relevant. Sounds like the Republican/Tea Party Health Care Reform Plan to mer. Smoking-related illnesses cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars a year in health care expenditures and lost productivity, and claim hundreds of thousands of lives. Given the enormous medical and economic toll of smoking, it is not surprising that. Sin taxes have never worked, and hurt those in the lower economic brackets much more. Pharmaceutical companies charge a fortune for the same drugs they export to countries that charge less for them. Ive had the privilege of knowing more than a few extraordinarily brilliant people from whose mouths seemed to spill spontaneous gems of polished prose. No. Not to mention I don't get sick nearly as often. Australia's private health cover system is community rated, which means that people get the same price for a policy no matter their age, gender, or health status. Higher insurance premiums price smokers out of insurance markets. Obviously they have higher medical costs associated with the ills that come with smoking. Jack Cafferty sounds off hourly on the Situation Room on the stories crossing his radar. Join 150,000+ subscribers Get KevinMD's most popular stories. No Jack, instead of spending over a trillion in useless wars in the Middle East that money could have been used, in part, for lower cost health care and free counseling for smokers and fat people to help them so they don't die an early death. Which company could go out of business tomorrow and it People with a porn addiction, how did you realize you had (Serious) What causes death more than people realize?'ve just described 50% of America !!! Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Obviously, but the mere mention of it in this country means you must be a communist, because you're taking money from one group and giving it to another. Penalize them for bad choices and their habits will change. P.S:- I am not a somker or fat(atleast for now) so no bias aganist smokers. People who've had venereal diseases, including cold sores, because they're more likely to acquire other diseases? Non-smokers in particular think that smokers should pay higher health insurance premiums: 65 percent of non-smokers expressed this opinion, compared with 38 percent of people who smoke only occasionally and 18 percent of those who smoke daily. Many Online Journal readers feel strongly that smokers should pay higher insurance premiums than their non-smoking co-workers, and some say penalizing smoking shouldn't stop at health insurance. They should foot the bill for the fat and un-healthy. Sure as a smoker i will pay more along with the fat people, But dont stop there lets make all pay more the ones that drink beer, or work in the sun all day, the ones that eat fast food for lunch, how about the cops and firemen to they are at high risk lets not stop untill we all pay more that will surly solve the problem.. You don't have to be rich to eat healthy, exercise, and give up smoking. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Why should we pay pay for others' poor choices? "let the Insurance companies charge anyone a penalty, And we'd love to know where you're writing from, so please include your city and state with your comment. Connecticut prohibits tobacco rating for health insurance plans that are sold in its state-run marketplace only. J is a 21-year-old male with multiple disabilities. (As usual, check state and local laws to be sure.) Good luck in getting that bit of reality dealt with. You may not care about charging the fat guy or the smoker more, but wait until they decide to charge YOU more because you're not a perfectly healthy young employee and so will cost more for health care. That's their problem! Posted by Susan Gilbert at 09/19/2013 02:47:13 PM|. The table below shows the price comparison of a smoker vs a non-smoker in good health. Yes, so should people who drink, people who are diabetic, people who have heart problems or even people with genetic problems-it will all balance out- we all will pay. Taking up smoking cessation programs by insurers lowers health insurance premiums for smokers. Second, the subsidies dont increase to make up for the cost of the surcharge. Lower the rates on those that live heathier lifestyles and leave me the heck alone. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. No JackThat`s just wrong!!!! People who use more healthcare resources because of a poor lifestyle choice such as smoking or poor diet should pay more. Smokers can have access to a comprehensive policy that offers them wide coverage and might even cover critical illnesses too. While these kind of arguments have yet to establish much legal traction, they can be expected to be advanced. Even if such a law exists, all may not be lost, as some state laws may be preempted by federal law. Health care? r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (CCA) is a corporate authorised representative (AFS Representative number 001279036) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (AFS License number 486326). FTC Plan to Ban Noncompete Clauses Shifts Companies Focus, Greta Thunberg Detained by Police in Germany During Mine Protest, Bonds Over Stocks: The New 60-40 Portfolio, Deal Slump Dents Profits at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Rebellion Against Higher Prices Helps Slow Inflation, Opinion: The Hard Reality of a Debt-Ceiling Showdown, Opinion: Ph.D. Students of the World, Unite, Opinion: Wisconsin Bids for a Flat Income Tax, Opinion: How the Gas Stove in Your Kitchen Became a Symbol of Freedom. Australia: We saved our average customer $320* on their average annual premium! A solid majority 59 percent say that smokers should pay more for health insurance than nonsmokers. Yes, Jack, I think the insurance for smokers should be more expensive. I overheard a pharmaceutical rep entice him with all kinds of freebies to push her drugs. Deborah Chollet, a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research in Washington, D.C., doesnt expect insurance companies to impose 50 percent surcharges anytime soon, even in states where they are allowed to do so. Lets not be lulled into this by some vogue PC catch phrases. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. So if you are going to charge more for those that smoke or are living large for insurance, then by all means add in those that partake in drugs and alcohol. In the past few years, many employers have been trying to get workers to voluntarily improve their health to help bring down soaring insurance costs. which in fact may be caused by preventable environmental conditions. As word spreads what the changes. However, this smoking surcharge makes the crucial assumption that continuing to smoke is a choice. Will they ask those with heart attacks, strokes, cancer, in the family history to pay more also, maybe they should ask those who come up with these senseless ideas to pay more just for being stupid. Probably, as long as it does not lead to a denial of care or rates so high that they go uninsured. Oh cool! If that philosophy is applied, then why not charge more for people whose families have a history of cancer of heart disease? I feel sorry for my fellow citizens who are not able to fight the system or extract themselves from it. So eat less, eat better and your premiums will go down. Corporate medical syndrome, anyone? Doug. President Barack Obamas signature piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), allows employers who provide health insurance and public and private health insurers tocharge smokers up to 50 percent higher rates. In a recent issue of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, 12 physicians discuss their experiences with grateful patient fundraising and take up legal and ethical issues. People are already having to pay to much, and if you already have something such as diabetes you pay more.All I see is greed and another way to make people pay. There are health issue associated with those folks as well. If you have a poor driving record, drive a sports car, or live in a high-theft area, you're going to pay more for your car insurance than [] Would I get a tax rebate if I quit before I needed treatment before I suffered a smoking related illness? Should hurricane insurance be the same price for someone on the Florida coast as for someone in Maine? Most insurance plans cover smoking-cessation programs. does this. The fact of the matter is that these people are just enablers. First. If there ever was an industry that demanded nationalization it is the health care industry. The debate continues, because ultimately smoking is a voluntary act that undoubtedly affects individual health and, in turn, the public and private healthcare system. How many that do smoke get a physical on a yearl basis? If you don't like it, do something about it. But remember, smoking is more common among low-income populations, meaning those people have a harder time paying for insurance. How much is that costing us ? Once people feel it in the wallet/pocketbook,. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Is that what we want for healthcare? The most obviou and clearest cases of physical abuse by a person on themselves should cost the perpetrator. *Average savings based off 25,311 customers during 2020, **Average savings based on 111,658 policies sold Jan 2017 - Nov 2021. Certainly not directly. By some sort of body mass formula? Action that smokers and fat people take is costing Health Care. While the Affordable Care Act ends the era of denying people with pre-existing conditions access to health care, it allows insurance companies to charge tobacco users up to 50% more for their monthly premiums. As a smoker you could face paying up to $500 a month for the company health plan. Health care costs more for them (even though both overeating and tobacco are addictoions when they started they knew the dangers). There are two main ethical arguments for charging smokers higher insurance rates. As well as those who are too thin. Fortunately, theres a simple solution to the problem. Shame on you! In most cases, employees could qualify by participating in a wellness program or a smoking cessation class. See where I'm going with this. Yes Yes yes and More more more! In most cases, obesity is a self-inflicting decease. yu hve people tht are nt big n hve mre medical problems than for smoker yu no they read the warning n America is stubborn abt taken advice. Or a family history of pancreatic cancer? After a string of violent crimes involving mentally ill people who are homeless, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a plan for police and emergency medical workers to involuntarily remove people with severe mental illness from the streets and bring them to hospitals for psychiatric evaluation. Prohibition proved that. No need to play big brother by charging people more for health insurance. Responsible people who exercise and try to enhance their health should have greatly discounted rates. Let me get this straight, "the not poor" buy "the poor" food, while "the poor" buy cigarettes. That goes against everything the Grand Old Party stands for. Absolutely! With the rising cost of health insurance putting a financial squeeze on companies and their employees, some companies now charge smokers more for their health insurance than for non-smokers (assuming, of course, that the company even offers health insurance as a benefit). Why should all of us pay for excess by others? To appreciate the solution, let me expand on the flaws in health insurance surcharges. They have NO incentive to find cures for cancer and other illnesses because they would lose a fortune if they did. And while we're at it let's throw in really tall people because you never see any really old really tall people around; and drivers too, because automobile accidents kill more people than just about anything else, don't they? This is self-inflicted risk that clearly results in higher medical costs. Already a member? If smoking will not be banned, then double its price. It's a habit that's known to have a detrimental impact on your health. You bet, Jack. Edit: Striking out last sentence because I'm an idiot. Health riskers ought to pay Auto and life insurance companies regularly vary premiums with risk. Jack, I'm glad you brought that up. If quitting smoking was easy, everyone would do it, right? But I understand there are higher priorities, like spying on Americans by capturing their phone calls, e-mail, text messages and who knows what else for scrutiny by NSA, and invasive TSA searches and who knows what else? One recent survey shows the use of penalties is expected to climb next year to include almost 40% of large and medium-sized companies. they need to be taught a lesson. I would like to start this counter-debate by saying you see more drunk driving deaths than smoker deaths because news reporters report car accidents, not cancer Smoking increases health risks and should be banned in public places. We need individuals to step up and take responsibility for their own behaviors. Whether you are comparing health insurance quoteson your own or get coverage through your employer, you could pay more if you smoke. STAY CONNECTED WITH THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Wall-Mart charges smokers more than any other company. Should health care be a private enterprise? i don't enjoy going to the gym all the time, i don't enjoy skipping dessert for another chicken breast but I choose to be healthy and not be a drain on society and our healthcare system. If we want smokers to reimburse the rest of us for the cost of their habit, we should stick with tobacco taxes, a policy that reduces smoking rates without having any direct effect on peoples decisions to purchase health insurance. Most obviou and clearest cases of physical abuse by a person on themselves should cost the company 1,000... Difficult to stop smoking cultural artifact as easy as not lighting up to an extent on the coast! Not very persuasive, however, this smoking surcharge makes the crucial assumption that continuing to smoke this... Freebies to push her drugs and be done with it a 40-year-old nonsmoking female and 40-year-old... 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