blade amphibious all terrain instructions

6. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention provides an amphibious all-terrain vehicle having chassis and a body, with at least one passenger compartment, extending substantially the entire width and length of the chassis and affixed thereto. The vehicle operator then pulls the control handle 149 and shaft 147 rearward along the slot 159 until reaching a neutral transmission ratio position which is located at the gate 1 63 in the slot 159, manipulates the control handle 149 and control shaft 147 through the gate 163, and positions the control arm adjacent one of the notches 161 corresponding to the desired reverse transmission ratio. Our new address is 10501 Winnetka Ave N, Brooklyn Park, Mn 55445. 9 is a front sectional view of the chassis also taken along line 8-8 of FIG. Means for controlling the ratio selector devices of the transmissions are operatively connected to each end of the control levers opposite the ends thereof which are mounted to the control actuating means. second resilient means operatively associated with said pawl biased to urge said pawl to pivot about its pivot mounting in a direction toward said ratchet teeth to assure the engagement of said pawl with said ratchet teeth thereby holding said sprocket wheel in'engagement with said chain to be tensioned against forces exerted by said chain on said sprocket wheel which would tend to cause said ratchet plate to pivot about its mounting in a direction generally away from said chain thus decreasing the force exerted on said chain by said ratchet wheel. An amphibious all-terrain vehicle which is capable of translating over and through essentially all forms of terrain and substantially any environment. The sprocket wheel 129 is located along the ratchet plate 123 such that it extends beyond the longitudinal edges 133, 135 of the ratchet plate so it may operatively engage the chain 131 without interference between the chain 131 and the ratchet plate 123. An amphibious all terrain vehicle as defined in claim 8, wherein said chain tensioning devIces comprise in combination: a tensioning device mounting plate adapted to be secured to a structure; at least one elongated ratchet plate pivotally mounted at one of its ends to one end of said mounting plate; a plurality of ratchet teeth formed in an end of said ratchet plate opposite said end pivotally mounted to said mounting plate; a sprocket wheel adapted to operatively engage one of said chains to be tensioned rotatably mounted at said end of said ratchet plate contaning said ratchet teeth, and being disposed such that its sprocket teeth extend beyond the longitudinal edges of said elongated ratchet plate; first resilient means operatively associated with said ratchet plate biased to urge said ratchet plate to pivot about its pivot mounting in a direction generally toward said chain to be tensioned thereby causing said sprocket wheel to contact and apply a constant force against said chains to be tensioned thus keeping it in tension; a pawl adapted to engage said ratchet teeth pivotally mounted at one end to an end of said mounting plate opposite said end to which said ratchet plate is pivotally mounted, said pawl being disposed to prevent movement of said ratchet plate in a direction generally away from said chains to be tensioned; and second resilient means operatively associated with said pawl biased to urge said pawl to pivot about its pivot mounting in a direction toward said ratchet teeth to assure the engagement of said pawl with said ratchet teeth thereby holding said sprocket wheel in engagement with said chain to be tensioned against forces exerted by said chain on said sprocket wheel which would tend to cause said ratchet plate to pivot about its mounting in a direction generally away from said chain thus decreasing the force exerted on said chain by said ratchet wheel. The operators control shaft may have a horizontal member or control rod handle 149 affixed to it to form a T handle. An optimum power setting is selected and any desired vehicle spe'edan'd/or maneuver is controlled through the hydrostatic transmissions, the prime mover continuously producing the optimum power for the conditions. 7 showing another embodiment for mounting the power package mounting bracket therein. The chains of the chain'drive system are prevented from disengaging from their mating drive system components upon a sudden change in the direction of driving forces exerted on the chain by a plurality of chain tensioning devices which apply a continuous force against the chains, thus applying a tensioning force on them. in addition, at least one fifth chain driven sprocket wheel 113 is operatively affixed to a third axle shaft 115, and at leastone fourth driving chain 117 operatively interconnects the third chain sprocket wheel 95 of the idler sprocket assembly 89 to the fifth chain driven sprocket wheel 113. Ain't no river wide enough for the SHERP N 1200. 21 is a top view of the lost motion means illustrating its configuration corresponding to a command for maximum speed straight line forward motion of the vehicle. change "reilient" to delete "angles" and insert "ane" and insert and "surfaces" and insert delete delete delete "firs" and insert --firs1- change "siad" tov --s aid-. The floor pan, end walls, side walls and chassis side rails are structurally associated with each other thus forming a unitized water tight structure. it is obvious that the power package mounting bracket 67 could also be rigidlyaffixed to the chassis although this method will subject the power package to additional distructive forces generated in the chassis, and conversely subject the chassis to distructive vibrations produced by the prime mover. While the following description refers to only the first hydrostatic transmission 55 and first series of axle shafts 41 for clarity, it holds true with reference to the second hydrostatic transmission 57 and second series of axle shafts 43 also. Speed: 20km/h. Has electric start, hydraulic brakes, and skid steering. The spring loaded ratchet plate forces the sprocket wheel against an adjacnet chain, thus applying a load on the chain, keeping it in tension. In therapedic reactex pillow by October 11, 2022therapedic reactex pillow by October 11, 2022 Scheduled pick-ups will be at the new location only. An infinitely variable steering and transmission control means having a lost motion means allows the vehicle operator to steer, control the forward and reverse directions, and to control the speed of the vehicle by manipulating a single vehicle operators control means which is operatively associated with a pivotally mounted control actuating means. 5. 2-(diethylamino)ethyl 2-acetyloxybenzoate, LAND VEHICLES FOR TRAVELLING OTHERWISE THAN ON RAILS, Steering non-deflectable wheels; Steering endless tracks or the like, Steering non-deflectable wheels; Steering endless tracks or the like by differentially driving ground-engaging elements on opposite vehicle sides, Steering non-deflectable wheels; Steering endless tracks or the like by differentially driving ground-engaging elements on opposite vehicle sides by means of separate power sources, VEHICLES FOR USE BOTH ON RAIL AND ON ROAD; AMPHIBIOUS OR LIKE VEHICLES; CONVERTIBLE VEHICLES, Amphibious vehicles, i.e. 10 is a side view of the transmission mounting means showing the trunnion mounting of the transmissions. Rugged Side-by-Side Series. 8, illustrates the use of two resilient means 69, 71 disposed between the power package mounting bracket 67 and the chassis side rails 33, 35 of the chassis 3. in a direction opposite that indicated by the arrow A shown in FIG. An amphibious all-terrain tracklaying vehicle has a pontoon hull (2) with propulsion track (1) juxtaposed from outside edges to central portions of the pontoon hull (2). And not just during rescue operations, scientific . Drive Mode: 4 Wheel Drive. Preferably, the first chain sprocket wheel 91 is of a larger diameter, or circumference than is the first chain driving sprocket wheel 87 to accomplish a multiplication of the torque received by the idler sprocket assembly 89 from the hydrostatic transmission. chassis frame on which a vehicle body may be mounted having fluid storage compartment, Understructures, i.e. following "said"- insert following "said" insert" I change "driven" to drive-. For example, the throttel control may be set at that prime mover speed which produces the maximum torque, and hence forth need not be further manipulated because the speed of the vehicle is controlled by changing the ratios of the hydrostatic transmissions 55, 57. FIG. At least one third chain driven sprocket wheel 107 is also operatively affixed to the second axle shaft 1113 to rotate therewith, and a fourth chain'driven sprocket wheel 109 is operatively affixed to the first axle shaft 9'7. The pawl and ratchet teeth cooperate to act as a stop to prevent movement of the ratchet plate in a direction toward the mounting plate or away from a chain to'be tensioned. The resilient means 69, 71 and 73 in each embodiment act to isolate the power package mounting bracket 67 from the chassis 3. 21 and 22. FIG. Some examples of 8x8 AATVs include the BvS 10, the TERREX 8x8, and the Argo 8x8. in addition, a plurality of access openings 36 are located in each chassis side rail 33, 35 adjacent each axle shaft of the first and second series of drive axle shafts 41, 43 to provide access to that portion of the chain drive system which is located interior to the box beams 37, 39. The transmissions supply the power generated by the prime mover through a chain drive system, which multiplies the torque produced by the engine, to a plurality of traction members mounted on both sides of the vehicle. FIG. 1973 change ".logintudinal" to change "adjacne t" to change "Preferrably" to "of" to---or-. For added protection a roll bar 23 can be used. 7. The first and second hydrostatic transmissions 55, 57 transmit power to the first and second series of axle shafts 41, 43, respectively, through a novel chain drive system which accomplishes a multiplication of the torque produced by the prime mover 53. Blade Amphibious All-Terrain Water and land Racing ATTENTION: We've Moved to a new location! 9. 2 is a front view of the vehicle shown in FIG. beautylish chantecaille. 1 and 2, preventing any lost motion in the second control rod lever 185. The power package mounting bracket 67 may be se cured to the chassis through the resilient means by any number of conventional fastening devices, such as nuts and bolts. 17, the control shaft 147 has a pivot mounting 173 in the control actuating means or joint 175 so it may move in a direction transverse to the vehicle longitudinal axis. FIG. An amphibious all-terrain vehicle, which comprises in combination: a chassis having a floor pan, a front wall disposed at one end of said floor pan and situated transversely thereto, a rear wall disposed at the opposite end of said floor pan and disposed transversely thereto, two spaced apart side walls disposed along opposite longitudinal sides of said floor pan, said floor pan being structurally associated with said front wall, rear wall and side walls to form a unitized structure; at least two spaced apart chassis side rails located interior to said chassis disposed along opposite longitudinal sides of and extending substantially the entire length of said chassis, each of said chassis side rails being structurally associated with said front wall, rear wall, one of said side walls and said floor pan and defining a hollow box beam; a first and second series of drive axle shafts extending outwardly from opposite side walls and being rotatably mounted in said side walls and said chassis side rails; a Plurality of traction members operatively associated with a first and second series of drive axle shafts adapted to support said vehicle on, and to supply a resisting force to a surface upon which said vehicle rests to enable said vehicle to translate relative to said surface; a power package including at least one prime mover and at least a first and a second hydrostatic transmission operatively associated with said prime mover; a power package mounting bracket to which said power package is mounted, said bracket being disposed between said front and rear walls and mounted in said chassis; at least one transmission mounting means for each of said first and second hydrostatic transmissions connecting each of said transmissions to said chassis; one end of each said transmission mounting means is associated with an output shaft portion of its respective transmission, and an opposite end of each said transmission mounting means is structurally associated with said chassis; each of said output shaft portions of said transmissions are journaled in a bearing structure in said transmission mounting means constituting a trunnion mounting disposed concentrically with said transmission output shaft, thus allowing each of said transmissions to rotate about the longitudinal axis of its output shaft thereby isolating said transmissions from forces exerted on said chassis by said surfaces over which said vehicle translates; a chain drive system operatively connecting an output shaft of said first hydrostatic transmission to said first series of drive axle shafts, and an output shaft of said second hydrostatic transmission to said second series of drive axle shafts, a portion of said chain drive system being disposed in said hollow box beam; a vehicle operator''s control means; an infinitely variable steering and transmission control means operatively connecting said first and second hydrostatic transmissions to said operator''s control means to enable a vehicle operator to steer, to control the forward and reverse directions, and to control the speed of said vehicle by manipulating said vehicle operator''s control means; a prime mover throttle control means operatively associated with said prime mover to enable the vehicle operator to control the power output of said prime mover; and a vehicle body extending substantially the entire width and length of, and fixed to said chassis, said body having at least one passenger compartment. At least one first chain driving sprocket wheel 87 is affixed to the output shaft 81 of the first hydrostatic transmission 55 to rotate therewith. Amphibious Xtreme Terrain Vehicle. 19, the control shaft 167 is not pivotally mounted to control actuating means or joint 175, but is affixed thereto. The motion of the control actuating joint 175 causes the second control rod lever 185 on the right side of the vehicle to be displaced in a direction decreasing the distance between it and the second hydrostatic transmission thus pushing the second control rod 176 and the ratio selector device 179 of the second hydrostatic transmission 57 rearward. The configuration assumed by the control rod levers 181, control rods 174, 176, and transmission ratio selector devices 177, 179 corresponding to a right turn from a maximum straight line forward speed setting is illustrated in FIG. 4. Packs the off-road ability of. Attesting Oificer F ORM PO-IOSO (O-69) It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent hereby corrected as vshown below: Patent No. FIG. 17-19, the vehicle operators control means 145 includes a vehicle operators control shaft 147. UTV. An automatic chain tensioning device is positioned adjacent each chain of the chain drive system to prevent the chains from operatively disengaging from their mating components due to excessive chain slack during normal straight ahead operation or in the event of a sudden change in the direction of the driving forces being applied to the chain drive system by the transmissions. The Bandvagn BV206 was developed by AB Hgglund & Sner starting in 1974 as a blank slate design. A movement of the ratchet plate 123 away from the chain 131 would result in a decrease in the tensioning forces exerted on the chain by the chain tensioning device, and result in excessive chain slack. 14, and 16) associated with the first and second series of axle shafts 41, 43 are identical and are referred to by the same reference numerals. To change from a forward vehicle direction to a re verse vehicle direction, the vehicle operator grasps the control handle 149 and applies a force great enough to overcome the resisting force of the resilient means 165 in a direction to disengage the control shaft 147 from one of the notches 161 in which it is located. Each one of the notches 161 corresponds to a particular driving ratio of the hydrostatic transmission, and are adapted to receive the vehicle operators control shaft 147. 10. 4-9). 17-19 & 21-22) which is pivotally mounted to the chassis 3 for motion in two planes generally perpendicular to each other, one plane being substantially parallel to a vertical plane along a longitudinal axis of the-vehicle, and the other plane substantially parallel to a horizontal plane through the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. Amphibious Function Body Material: ABS Plastics. The sprocket wheel 129 thereby contacts the chain 131 and applies a constant force against the chain in a direction substantially transverse thereto, hence subjecting the chain to tensioning forces. With reference to FlGS. The chain tensioning devices are comprised of a mounting plate, a spring loaded ratchet plate pivotally mounted to one end of the mounting plate, and a spring loaded pawl pivotally mounted to the opposite end of the mounting plate. Upon a sudden change in the direction of the driving forces, the sides of the chains which were in tension are placed in compression and become slack. A second resilient means 143 is operatively associated with the pawl 139, and is biased to urge the pawl 139 generally toward the ratchet teeth 127, i.e. The resilient means 189 prevents the control rod levers 181, 185 from pivoting about their respective pivot mountings 183, 187 in directions generally toward each other, thus the control rod levers 181, 185 pull the control rods 174, 1176 forward. FIG. The output shaft 81 of each hydrostatic transmission is journaled in a bearing structure 83 located in one end of the transmission mounting means disposed concentrically with the longitudinal axis of the transmission output shafts. A plurality of drive chains operatively connect each of the first and second transmissions to the first and second series of axle shafts respectfully through a plurality of sprocket wheels disposed on the output shafts of the transmissions, and idler sprocket assemblies and sprocket wheels on the axle shafts. In particular, the invention pertains to an amphibious allterrain vehicle including a novel engine and transmission mounting means, drive system, and vehicle operators control means which renders the vehicle more reliable and easier to operate. 9. If this condition prevailed it would prevent the control actuating joint from pivoting, thus, precluding any steering control of the vehicle when the infinitely variable steering and transmission control where in a maximum speed straight line forward motion mode. into engagement with the ratchet teeth 127 of the ratchet plate 123. Preferably, the second chain driven sprocket wheel 101 is of a larger diameter of circumference than the second chain sprocket wheel 93 of the idler sprocket assembly 89 to accomplish a multiplication of the torque received by the second chain driven sprocket wheel 101 from the idler sprocket assembly 89. These ratchet teeth are adapted to engage the pawl. It's one of the craziest vehicles we've driven. blade amphibious all terrain instructions cascade complete powder dishwasher detergent, fresh scent, 75 oz reef high seas flip flops nursing and health sciences bristol queen low profile storage murphy bed with mattress blade amphibious all terrain instructions blade amphibious all terrain instructions arduino robot car project Blade Amphibious All Terrain RC - YouTube 0:00 / 1:00 Let's Play! At least one first driving chain 99 operatively interconnects the first chain driving sprocket wheel 87 to the first chain sprocket wheel 91 of the idler sprocket assembly 89 to transmit power and rotational motion from the transmission to the idler sprocket assembly. milwaukee easy load string trimmer head Matriculate Ahora! Learn More. 2, I4, 15 and 16) extend outwardly from opposite chassis side walls 31. The first axle shaft therefore constitues a jack shaft in that it receives its motion from another shaft. The present amphibious all-terrain vehicle is easily operated by the average man or woman. This power package mounting bracket 67 is in turn mounted in the chassis 3 between the front wall 27 and rear wall 29. An operator, or driver controls the speed, controls the forward and reverse directions, and steers the amphibious all-terrain vehicle 1 by manipulating a vehicle operators control means, generally denoted as 145, (see FIGS. 15 is a view from the side of the chassis showing a portion of the chain drive system. At least one second chain driven sprocket wheel 101 is operatively affixed to a second axle shaft 103, and at least one second driving chain 105 operatively interconnects the second chain sprocket wheel 93 of the idler sprocket assembly 89 to this second chain driven sprocket wheel 1111 to transmit power and rotational motion from the idler sprocket assembly to the second chain'driven sprocket wheel 101, and hence to the second axle shaft 103. yreka high school football schedule; types of educational books; small console cabinet; best personal firewall; concerts israel july 2022; dixie belle gel stain over paint The floor pan 25, front wall 27, rear wall 29, side walls 31, and chassis side rails 33, 35 are structurally associated, as for example by welding, with each other, thus forming a unitized water tight structure capable of floating on water. 12. Under particular predetermined conditions the control actuating means can be actuated to move about its pivot mounting without imparting a motion to the control levers, the forces applied to the control levers by the actuating means being used to compress the spring of one of the spring loaded control levers instead of displacing the control lever in a manner to exert a force on the transmission ratio selector device control means. 11. 7 Column 2, line 67, adjacent v "Column 5, line 53, --Preferably-. The control arm levers 181, 185 move rearward with the control shaft 147 to which they are pivotally attached, and the stop menans 191, 193 prevent them from pivoting about their pivot mounting 183, 187. FIG. SYRCAR Blade Amphibious All Terrain Water and Land Racing tumbling RC car Photos not available for this variation Condition: New Ended: Dec 04, 202215:41:02 PST Price: Discounted priceUS $19.99 Shipping: FREEEconomy Shipping| See details Located in: Lakeland, Florida, United States Seller: maingategifts(5550) Seller's other items dog playpen with waterproof bottom . 19, the operators control shaft 167 is positioned such that in its neutral unloaded state it rests in one of the plurality of notches 161 situated along one edge of the elongated 7 slot 159, and has a sufficient modulus of elasticity to resist, to a degree, a force applied to it which would tend to disengage it from one of the notches 161, thus the operators control shaft 167 itself acts as a resilient means. ' , Mn 55445 line 8-8 of FIG Preferrably '' to change `` Preferrably '' to drive- 1974 as blank! Amphibious all-terrain Water and land Racing ATTENTION: We & # x27 ; ve Moved to new! 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