I would assume the people who sold him knew that thier boxer had to have one testicles. The cost for a dog neuter with undescended testicle may therefore vary from one location to another but generally may amount to anywhere between $150 and $550. Occasionally, a puppy may reach 8 weeks of age without having both testicles descend into the scrotum. I would be much more concerned about someone buying a 15 week old puppy read this article on why a puppys age matters. Why does my 8 week old puppy not have balls? My only concern regarding a dog with a single descended testicle is that they remain fertile, but regardless of this should be taken out of the breeding population. Hi Liana. One such dog is shown above, with a swelling that appeared in the groin at around two years of age. Pam 10/2/22 Vaccinations & Temperament & VET Exams. Therefore, these dogs were thought to be neutered until the symptoms of cancer appeared. jx. This seems to be the mechanism by which cancer occurs, and therefore it would best be removed. The pet insurance plans will not cover pre-existing conditions, but you can still get coverage for the costs of treatment for pre-existing conditions. However, cancer is unlikely to occur before a year of age so there isnt much to fear. Is he telling me the truth or is he just making extra money from me? The exact cause of an undescended testicle isn't known. The only time this is hard is when the dog is overweight. Hi Terry. It is estimated that cryptorchid dogs are 13 times more likely to develop testicular cancer compared to the average intact dog. No rush yet I had my gsd neutered at 10months because undescended testicle that was eventually found in the abdomen. It is best to call around to get quotes so to have a better idea of expected costs. Hes 10.5 pounds and may grow only another pound or two. The benefits of waiting until one year for certain breeds should outweigh any risk of the testicle causing problems in the meantime. Thank you for any feedback. It's possible that testicles don't descend in some canines because of insufficient testosterone production, according to the website Pet Informed. In which case, I don't think I would be panicing quite yet! He suggested to get the ultrasound done for the missing testicle but there is 90% chances that no other testicle is inside the body and only one which has dropped and 10% chance that there might be the other one inside so get the ultrasound done first. Thankyou. There are three outcomes when it comes to the process of testicles descending: they can successfully descend into the scrotum, them may start descending, but stop somewhere along the way, or they may even never start the journey. A cryptorchid (undescended) testicle is roughly 9 times more likely to become cancerous than one in the normal location. In nearly all puppies, this is by 6 to 8 weeks of age. Good on you for taking the problem seriously. Please post back with the results. In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. I think it's if they haven't both desended by maturing that you need to get them out. Im so sorry to hear that I have seen the same thing with dogs from rescue shelters. The vet that Ive bringing him to keeps making appointments and telling me that it will drop within 6 months. Hi Dr Andrew, I have a 10 month old Miniature Pinscher (Zwergpincher) who suffers from cryptorchidism as unfortunately his left ball hasnt dropped This was diagnosed when he was 5 months old and our local vet suggested that we wait till nearly 1 year to have an operation so that he would have it when he is strong and full formed which he is now at a whopping 3kg (small but mighty). What are the distress signs of this condition? (These days, it is customary care to ensure both testicles are removed; leaving a testicle in the abdomen is now considered unacceptable.) If both testicles are retained the male is typically infertile however, it is still important for them to be neutered as the retained testicles can become cancerous. Generally, if a Boxer puppy's testicles aren't both there by eight to ten weeks of age, he is a cryptorchid. Hi Willard. Hello Andrew, I am a vet in Colorado, USA have a client who is asking me to remove a retained testicle which is obviously near the inguinal ring in the SQ tissue, while leaving the descended testicle to be removed later, after waiting for further testosterone influence to help with joint development. As a general rule of thumb,if by the age of 6 to 7 months the testicles haven't dropped yet, there are low chances that they ever will at this point. Hi Mary. He may honestly believe it will drop but probably less than 50% will actually do so. Not every vet will feel the need to do an ultrasound first, and surgical prices vary considerably among vets. Apparently, he was castrated but, for some reason, the dog had a retained testicle that was never removed. Hes also 52 lbs, so Im thinking hes on the larger end of a medium size dog. We discussed just having the retained testicle removed if it didnt come down, as we have no intention to breed him. A vet can't just remove the dropped testicle and consider the dog neutered, nor can you figure your dog is essentially neutered if both testicles are absent. Theres almost no chance that the testicle will descend by now. An undescended testicle is also called cryptorchid or monorchid. The vet waited until he was about 12-15 months to operate and lopped both of them out. As I mentioned in the article, German shepherds commonly have both testes in the abdomen. When a dog is born, the testicles are generally located near the inguinal ring, an area around the groin, and are guided by the gubernaculum, a structure that . Hi Ashley. You should also talk to your doctor about the best way to reduce the costs of treatment for pre-existing conditions. Thats a good question. Thanks. If the dog has one testicle, it may be infertile if the cord is twisted. My dogs 4 year old and now his undescended testes have grown into a tumor. Or do you think we are past that point now? What age would you recommend to have this dog desexed? Based on the question and summary, it is difficult to give a definitive answer to the question of whether or not to buy a puppy with undescended testicles. There are only about 200 known reported cases. Male puppies are born with their testicles undescended, meaning that they are tucked inside their bodies and haven't yet made an appearance. You should also make sure that your pet is up-to-date on his or her vaccinations. fo lc yo lf jg sz xk po. For the best health, when would you recommend I get Huck neutered? If we find nothing, we assume the testicle is in the abdomen. The doctor might be able to fix the undescended testicle during the same procedure, but an additional surgery might be needed in some cases. Potcake Place (his shelter) thinks Huck may have some Rottweiller, Mastiff or Boxer in him but cant be sure ( he has long legs and a lanky teenager look). Is this inherited from the mom or the dad? Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the best course of treatment for your dog. My Shitzu has only one testicle. One of them you can feel, the other.who knows. We are terrified at the prospect that something might happen and are considering moving on altogether. My pup is 14 weeks old, on a show contract with only 1 testicle dropped so far. I'm sure he only lies that way when my mothers in. It can happen on just one or both sides (unilateral or bilateral), in about equal numbers. If your dog is diagnosed with cryptorchidism, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. qk un. Cryptorchid dogs should never be bred. 2. Discover why it happens. Hi Andrew, thank you for the quick reply. ht. If the testicle was not seen on ultrasound, and I had no clue whether it was in the abdomen or in the groin, then the rare worst case scenario is that two incisions (both pictured above) are needed to find it. As your puppy grows, you start seeing signs of development, but at some point you may be wondering at what age do those dog testicles drop. Thanks! It's very critical to learn how to make a dog testicle drop as it's an important sign of growing and healthy puppies. If retained testicles are in the lines of a pup I would be very worried if both were not present at 8 weeks. Hello, we have a 14 month old cryptorchid corgi. Cryptorchid surgery is quick, easy, and not much more painful than regular desexing. Im quite sure that a paramedian approach helps a lot too, as even if the testicle isnt right underneath, its cords can usually be seen. Occurring in almost 10% of male dogs, cryptorchidism in dogs is the failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum, after birth. The only effective treatment is desexing or neutering, or at very least the surgical removal of the undescended testicle. If both testicles are retained in a cryptorchid dog, the dog may be infertile. Keep in mind that its hard to give a fixed price for unpredictable surgery like this and difficult retrievals will cost more. That makes your dog a cryptorchid. Now at about 4 months of age, one puppy has been identified as having one undescended testicle. Cryptorchidism in dogs can often be diagnosed through a physical exam. What are the chances that the second testicle descends? There are few contraindications to trying the Chinese herbal formula first very rarely a dog may develop diarrhea with the herbs. To confirm that the dog has two descended testicles, gently grasp the scrotum between the thumb and forefinger while the dog is standing or lying on his back. That cost can possibly be $400. In the vast . You should compare pet insurance plans before you decide which one to get. Hi Cindy. Neutering is recommended to prevent future problems. He now has his operation scheduled in mid feb and it would be great if you could provide me with your professional opinion- 1 or both? My daughters six month old corgi has undescended testicles. document.write(year) However, its quite reasonable to wait a bit longer as although the risk isnt zero, the chance of cancer occurring before a year of age is very unlikely. In our clinic, inguinal testicles like in the first picture generally add $100 to the desexing price. Do we just wait and see as he isnt 6 months old yet? Therefore, most puppies that have an undescended testicle at their first vet check will end up being cryptorchid. Cryptorchidism affects approximately 1-3% of all dogs. If your puppy is cryptorchid, you may be wondering whether the surgery to remove the retained testicle/testicles will be complicated. Then over a period of approximately two weeks, they start dropping into the scrotum through a narrow channel called the 'inguinal canal'. Anyone have any experience with this? Additionally, some puppies may not develop these traits until they are older, so it is important to consult with a vet before making a purchase. in my view its extremely likely that there is a second testicle (I have seen hundreds of similar dogs but none with less than two testicles). If both testicles are retained, the dog may be infertile. Since abdominal surgery is necessary to retrieve the testicle, the recovery period for your male dog is a couple of weeks. Spermatic cord torsion (twisting onto itself) s a complication of cryptorchidism, and can cause sudden and severe abdominal pain. Un-decended testicles can cause cancer and are better removed. Cryptorchidism, retained or undescended testes . An undescended testicle is uncommon in general, but common among baby boys. Healthy Pawsibilities | 628 Cleveland Street #17, Clearwater, FL 33755 | Phone: 727-510-3665Copyright What should I do? Since we have been breeding, we have had only 4 puppies whose testicles never descended. The surgery to remove an undescended testicle is far more delicate and invasive than the castration surgery used to remove normally descended testicles. Physical examination or ultrasound? In the lack of a genetic test, there is no way to work out easily whether it comes from the sire or dam. Hi Andrew I have german shepherds puppy is 15 weeks old and only one testicle being checked by the vet from 10 weeks old and 14 weeks thats was last week and still the same I spoke to the breeder she mentioned that by 6 weeks checked both was there so in this case Will be dropped or what Do i do. Respiratory issues are likely to have another cause. There is nothing you can do to encourage the second one to descend--surgery, sooner rather than later, is your best bet. Hi I have a English bulldog when I feel for his Testicles I feel one in the sack the other one will drop in the sack then go back up when applying pressure, does mean his nut will drop in time he is 4 months. The reason for this is that he is an Irish setter and I would really like to avoid him getting spray coat because of missing hormones. He had testes that didnt drop and the dogs home we had him from daid he was vaccinated he went in for surgery as he had a cancer growth but died in surgery he bled to death gutted and 6 months on Im surviving but miss him so much. Cryptorchidism should not be considered a cause for aggression in dogs, but should rather be considered a symptom of another problem. Usually, this is easy. What are Complications from surgery? The average cost of this surgery is 210.00. He is a lab/ boxer mix the father is albino boxer. wn. Cryptorchidism may be presumed present if the testicles cannot be felt in the scrotum after two to four months of age. My Charlie is a cavachon hes 17 months and both balls have not come down can I wait till hes 2. They're also vulnerable to testicular torsion, or twisting of the testicle. If so have you heard a the testicle dropping after 6-7 months? As the article says, he will be at great risk if you do not remove the undescended testicle. If one or both testicles are lost due to spontaneous or surgical castration, the dog may experience reduced sexual activity and a decreased ability to produce sperm. Testicular torsion occurs when the testicle become entangled in the ligament. Some breeders may recommend avoiding puppies with this condition, as it may indicate potential health problems down the road. This is a golden retriever, so the owner is reluctant to desex earlier than necessary due to risks to joints. What Is the Biggest Dog in the World Breed (Fact-Checked). How much does it cost to have a cryptorchid dog neutered? The surgery is relatively routine, and the outcomes are overwhelmingly positive. Keep him quiet for at least two weeks after the operation while his body heals. My clinic has never failed to find it and any experienced vet is likely to say the same, whether or not they use ultrasound. If you were planning to breed your dog, consider that a dog with only oneundescended testicle (monorchid) is still capable of successfully breeding and siring a litter of puppies. My Staff puppy has the exact thing. Unless youve got a good reason, I would do it as soon as possible. You should keep all of your medical records so that you can prove that you have a pre-existing condition and that the costs of treatment have been covered by your pet insurance plan. Dogs with a retained testicle typically develop the undesirable characteristics associated with intact males like urine marking and aggression. Recently I have started only doing it with a vasectomy of the descended testicle. >So sorry for off topic but sometimes these things just float to the front of ones brain oops!! Hi Andrew. Your vet will have developed their own successful approach, so dont worry if it looks different. nw. This will help to reduce the risk of getting sick and requiring treatment. Failure for a dog's testicle to descend means that the testicle is either trapped within the inguinal canal or inside the dog's abdomen. I have a 4 mth on German shepherd x puppy and both testicles can not be found. I also read about strangulated deferens and that recovery time if major surgery is required will be in the order of a couple of weeks for complicated cases as dogs also tend to kick their wounds etc We are at a loss with how to proceed! Normally in this situation the testicle will remain in the same position, so the answer is mostly no. Healthy Pawsibilities. However, with the shortage of puppies around, you might have a hard time convincing them. My vet told me to wait out a few more months and see if the other one drops. Ive never heard of testicles going back up, so its likely the first assessment was incorrect. However the interval between the two surgeries could be as little as two weeks so its probably not of great significance which way you do it. The testes develop near the kidneys within the abdomen and normally descend into the scrotum by two months of age. There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not to buy a puppy with undescended testicles, as it depends on a variety of factors, including the age, breed, and health of the puppy. You will find that neither statements are supported by the evidence in similar breeds, and there is no reason to think that Havanese are especially different. So really dont worry about it yet. Undescended testicles can become cancerous and/or twisted, so it's important to have them removed while your dog is young. For example, the dog I saw die was brought to me for enlarged nipples and being harassed by male dogs. Should I Put My Dog on Vetmedin or Cardisure? Actually, cryptorchid dog surgery generally isn't as bad as thought. Cryptorchid dogs should be neutered as soon as possible. Cryptorchidism is when it fails to reach its destination. If a puppy is eight weeks old and both testicles haven't descended into the scrotum yet, this condition is known as cryptorchidism. One or both testicles not descending is documented to happen to between 0.7% and 9.7% of puppies. Ive never heard of them going back up so its more like there was a mixup at the beginning. In my experience, it is unlikely that an undescended testicle will descend in a puppy as old as 8 months. Also if this is surely the case from your end that the other one must be present. When a dog has a retained testicle, we call him cryptorchid, literally meaning hidden testicle. The best and only information we have for choosing the time of desexing can be found in this article. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. We live in Victoria, Australia Thank you Susi. I have to be honest and say that in the past I took the clients word at face value that they wanted to keep the descended testicle for joint development or secondary sex characteristics only. > I forget about them, and usually only remember them when I feel them by accident! I would still keep his other one, no reason to remove it from what I understand most vets say. Our breeder notified us at their 6 weeks check up the puppy (Australian labradoodle) said he has undescended testicles. If one or both haven't dropped by the age of 4 months, it's unlikely to happen. What causes cryptorchidism, and how common is it? As a breeder of a commonly affected breed (Shetland Sheepdogs) I do offer to pay the difference between the cryptorchid procedure and standard castration for any cryptorchid puppies. I had my litter of puppies checked by my vet at 9 weeks of age & all males apparently had 2 descended testicles. Undescended testicles in dogs is the single most common disorder of sexual development in male dogs. What are the questions to ask to ensure that you are not looking into a very involved surgery? kb if uu sr hs dv. In fact, retained testicles are 9 times more likely to become cancerous than testicles that have been removed. In such a small dog at risk of hypothermia during surgery, I would normally do two such major procedures under separate anaesthetics. Generally, most vet offices charge for the cost of a normal neuter and add an additional $80 to $100 to it for a cryptorchid dog. Then, my preferred technique is a paramedian incision as shown here, which normally drops me right on top of it. The age at which your dog's testicles will drop varies from one dog to another, but as a general rule, they should have descended by the time your puppy came into your home, at around 8 weeks old. It sounds like youre reading too much of the wrong information its not a big deal to have the surgery. You will find more information in the article, but here is a quick summary: youre only too late if the testicular cancer spreads, complications and risk are barely different from normal desexing, and its your choice whether to remove the descended testicle as long as the dog is not bred. My Aussie had one male that is 4 months old and his have not dropped yet. She claims to want to use him for agility or other athletic endeavors. In fact, it is estimated that up to 9% of all dogs will have one or both of their testicles removed due to the risk of cancer or a painful and potentially life-threatening testicular torsion. "I have seen testicles drop as late as 6.5 months, and most of the veterinary reproductive specialists report that by 7 months the chances are exceedingly low.~Dr. You might be worth getting opinions from other local vets for comparison. The vets want to go in early to avoid any risk of testicular cancer. absouloutly Rhodach. At 14 weeks (purchased at 12 weeks) the Local Vet informed me that he suffers from cryptorchid (unilateral). Nor should any attempt be made to artificially replace a retained testicle (called orchiopexy) just so a dog can be bred or shown. Further, if his do not descend, they need to be removed as they tend to become cancerous if left. In fact it didnt descend until he was one week short of being 6 months old. var today = new Date() We are considering a puppy who is now 15 week old and are looking at the possible impact of cryptorchid surgery. My dog will not come to any difficulties right regarding his health? Most can be found externally by a careful examination once the dog is asleep, and the remainder by ultrasound. Inguinal cryptorchidism in a Chihuahua byJoel Mills - Own workRight inguinal cryptorchidism in a Chihuahua just prior to surgery. My vet said to bring him back in a month. It is only with age that the testes start the process of descending from theinguinal ring and finding their their way out to the scrotum. How much longer would you suggest we wait before revisiting our vet. Cryptorchidism in dogs is a common condition, and can be treated with surgery. Guide me with both the scenarios of no other testicle present or there could be other one inside him. A small tube containing a camera is inserted through a small incision in your son's abdomen. Hello there, our 4 1/2 month old Irish setter boy has a retained testie. At our clinic, weve seen it in 77 of 1652 dogs, making a rate of 4.7%. This is a schipperke, and she admitted to me early on that she was planning to use him at stud, now seems to be changing this plan. There is a Chinese herbal formula, Epimedium Powder, that has worked in some dogs to encourage the testicle to drop. Firstly, the true incidence of spay coat is unknown but it appears to be very low. Dogs with two undescended testicles are called bilateral cryptorchids and they are often sterile. We took him for his pre-surgery bloodwork, and they said his kidneys were not functioning correctly. He needs his teeth pulled from rot. The Irish setters in our clinic have beautiful handsome coats and are all desexed. It's possible that testicles don't descend in some canines because of insufficient testosterone production, according to the website Pet Informed. I was just told at the vet my 6 month old Frenchie only has one testicle that has dropped. Vets often providerough estimates with the lowest and highest price range considering that they might not know how long and how involved the procedure may be often until they start the procedure. Breeder is charging for the pup ($2,500) and has a neuter contract which we are fine with to neuter him but it weighs heavy in my heart to know that we could be dealing with added stress and extra $$ expense off the batt on cryptorchid surgery. (He's 2 now). In fact, if I couldnt find it on ultrasound, I would assume that I had missed it, not that it wasnt there. The main message is that whether your puppy is cryptorchid or not, its no big deal as long as you act on it. Sometimes, one or both of his testicles don't drop, remaining somewhere in between his abdomen and the scrotal sac. My German Shepard just 7-8 months now as had no papers very healthy had not even vaccinations Kept so small caged for his ist 3 months finally at 6 months One testicle came down but he humps pillow some,helathy,frisky,hyper,healthy,,, growing IS there chance might still descend 2nd one Vet wants Probe round Surgery but Like to wait till year old give other chance descend down IS it o.k wait One year think its too soon? My lurcher pup still had an undescended testicle when we bought him home, the vet said not to worry about it until after they are 6-9 months old. Are in the meantime his other one drops of being 6 months old and his have come! 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