[156] Part of the reason for this was due to the import duties and taxes and the lack of quality control. In the 1860s, the country became a journalist hub for Africa, with professionals travelling to the country from across the continent. Area: 69.5 mile - 111.8 km radius. The executive branch of the Government of Sierra Leone, headed by the president of Sierra Leone has extensive powers and influences. Sierra Leone's national politics centres on the competition between the north-west, dominated by the Temne, and the south-east dominated by the Mende. Thomas Peters pressed British authorities for relief and more aid; together with British abolitionist John Clarkson, the Sierra Leone Company was established to relocate Black Loyalists who wanted to take their chances in West Africa. Following the 1995 National Consultative Conference at the Bintumani Hotel in Freetown, dubbed "Bintumani I", which was a Strasser-led initiative, another National Consultative Conference at the same Bintumani Hotel in Freetown, dubbed "Bintumani II", was initiated by the Bio administration that involved both national and international stakeholders, in an effort to find a viable solution to the issues plaguing the country. Sierra Leone appears on the EU list of prohibited countries with regard to the certification of airlines. 130,725. [81], On 18 April 1968 a group of low ranking soldiers in the Sierra Leone Army who called themselves the Anti-Corruption Revolutionary Movement (ACRM), led by Brigadier General John Amadu Bangura, overthrew the NRC junta. There are also other popular beaches like the world renowned River Number 2 Beach, Laka Beach, Tokeh Beach, Bureh Beach, and Mama Beach. Makeni is also the fourth largest city in the country. What Languages Are Spoken In Sierra Leone? Its members represented both British who hoped to inspire local entrepreneurs and those with interest in the Macauley & Babington Company, which held the (British) monopoly on Sierra Leone trade. [218], A dialysis machine, the first of its kind in the country, was donated by Israel.[219]. The standard of print journalism tends to be low owing to lack of training, and people trust the information published in newspapers less than that found on the radio.[257]. Sir Albert was accused of corruption and of a policy of affirmative action in favour of his own Mende ethnic group. The park is home to elephants, hippos, buffaloes, and many chimpanzees it's also listed as a protected area by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Radio is the most popular and most-trusted media in Sierra Leone, with 85% of people having access to a radio and 72% of people in the country listening to the radio daily. Taylor's aim was for the RUF to attack the bases of Nigerian dominated peacekeeping troops in Sierra Leone who were opposed to his rebel movement in Liberia. On 25 May 1997, 17 soldiers in the Sierra Leone army led by Corporal Tamba Gborie, loyal to the detained Major Johnny Paul Koroma, launched a military coup which sent President Kabbah into exile in Guinea and they established the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC). [16] Muslims make up about three-quarters of the population, though with an influential Christian minority. [148] Agriculture accounted for 58 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007. When the Leone Stars win an important match, many youth across the county rush to the street to celebrate. Norman was a guard to Governor-general Sir Henry Lightfoot-Boston. In the 1790s, the Settlers, including adult women, voted for the first time in elections. The 1898 Hut Tax rebellion occurred as a response to British attempts to impose an annual tax on all houses in the country. Sierra Leone is known for its blood diamonds that were mined and sold to diamond conglomerates during the civil war, to buy the weapons that fuelled its atrocities. Sierra Leone's tropical climate, heavy annual rainfall, and abundance of rivers give it the potential to realistically pursue more solar and hydropower alternatives. Bo is closely behind Kenema with 10.0%, whilst Western Rural, Kono and Western Area Urban with 8.8%, 8.2%, and 8.1% are third, fourth and fifth respectively. A woman can be the head of the house only if she remains single for the rest of her life. Media in Sierra Leone began with the introduction of the first printing press in Africa at the start of the 19th century. By geographical area, Koinadugu District is the largest by several thousand square kilometers. The armed forces were formed after independence in 1961, based on elements of the former British Royal West African Frontier Force present in the country. Habitat degradation for the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus, has been increased, such that this canid is deemed to have been extirpated in Sierra Leone. According to Professor Fyle, there has been evidence of travellers calling the region Serra Lyoa long before 1462 (before the first arrival of Sintra to the region). Please select the style of the location map in the table below. There are several main internet service providers (ISPs) operating in the country. The Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service (SLBS) was created by the colonial government in 1934 making it the earliest English language radio broadcaster service in West Africa. Sierra Leone has a dominant unitary central government and a weak local government. The Sierra Leone Police is headed by the Inspector General of Police, the professional head of the Sierra Leone Police force, who is appointed by the president of Sierra Leone. Over the next decade, much of the formal economy was destroyed in the country's civil war. The British Crown reorganised the Sierra Leone Company as the African Institution; it was directed to improve the local economy. [citation needed]. Its capital, Falaba, was on the rich trading routes leading to the coast. 2020-02-06 Bumbuna is a town in the central of Tonkolili District in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. The NPRC's efforts proved to be nearly ineffective as the ousted Momoh administration in repelling the RUF rebels. Many Liberated Africans were so unhappy that they risked the possibility of being sold back into slavery by leaving Sierra Leone and going back to their original villages. 132 members are elected concurrently with the presidential elections; the other 16 seats are filled by paramount chiefs from the country's 16 administrative districts. In his first public broadcast to the nation following the 1996 coup, Brigadier Bio stated that his support for returning Sierra Leone to a democratically elected civilian government and his commitment to ending the civil war were his motivations for the coup. [222] Between June and July 2019, the FRCSL trained 1,000 community members from Makeni to be first responders and equipped each trainee with a first aid kit. Sierra Leone is regarded as one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world. Odelay mask by Temne people. One of the biggest minority ethnic groups are the Fula at around 3.8% of the population. The country is divided into five administrative regions, which are subdivided into 16 districts. There are several systems of transport in Sierra Leone, which has a road, air and water infrastructure, including a network of highways and several airports. If you are interested in the answer to the question "How many men and women are there in Bo District, Sierra Leone?" The northern section of this has been categorised by the World Wildlife Fund as part of the Guinean forest-savanna mosaic ecoregion, while the south is rain-forested plains and farmland. Krio culture reflects the Western culture and ideals within which many of their ancestors originated they also had close ties with British officials and colonial administration during years of development. In October 2000, a UN-approved certification system for exporting diamonds from the country was put in place and led to a dramatic increase in legal exports. Other popular destinations for tourists include the Freetown Cotton Tree, located in Central Freetown, a significant national monument and integral to the founding of the city; Bunce Island, which is a boat ride from the city, is home to the ruins of the slave fortress that was being used during the Transatlantic slave trade; the Sierra Leone Museum, which has a collection of both precolonial as well as colonial artifacts and other items of historical significance; the National Railway Museum; or take a journey around the city's coastline with the popular Sea Coach Express. Freetown is located in the Western region of the country and it is a major port city on the Atlantic Ocean besides being the capital city of Sierra Leone. Bo is located in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone, and the whole urban center is commonly known as Bo Town. [82], Stevens had Bangura arrested in 1970 and charged with conspiracy and treason. [157] A 2012 study was done on the correlation between Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI), and burning biomass fuels in the home. If you are interested in the answer to the question "How many men and women are there in Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone?" Kenema is the most populated district in Sierra Leone, according to the preliminary report of the final result of the Mid-Term Census report released by Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL) last week. Sierra Leone, along with Liberia, Ivory Coast and Guinea, form the Mano River Union (MRU). In 2007, a pay-per-view service was also introduced by GTV as part of a pan-African television service in addition to the nine-year-old sub-Saharan Digital satellite television service (DStv) originating from Multichoice Africa in South Africa. Turay, went into hiding and fled the country to Guinea, fearing for his life. The majority of newspapers are privately run and are often critical of the government. It is listed among countries of concern for emissions, as having Low Forest Cover with High Rates of Deforestation (LFHD). [181][182][183] The Islamic holidays of Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Maulid-un-Nabi (Birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) are observed as national holidays in Sierra Leone. The Vai are largely Muslim majority at about 90%, while the Kru are virtually all Christians at over 99%. At the same time, he sent warriors to assist Bai Bureh in fighting against the British. Koroma was re-elected president for a second (and final) term in November 2012. Problems experienced with access to the Internet include an intermittent electricity supply and a slow connection speed in the country outside Freetown. Non-denominational Protestants form a significant minority of Sierra Leone's Christian population. Strasser was later ousted by his army colleague and second-in-command Julius Maada Bio, for failing to commit to a quick transfer to civilian rule. However, Stevens' hand-picked successor Joseph Saidu Momoh promised to return the country to a multi-party system; a new constitution was adopted in 1991 that provided the means for a multi-party democracy. In September 2017, a Sierra Leone-based Nigerian Pentecostal Christian pastor name Victor Ajisafe was arrested by the Sierra Leone Police and held in jail after he made controversial remarks against Islam and Sierra Leonean Muslims in particular at his church sermon in the capital Freetown. The other ethnic groups included Themnes, Sherbros, Yalunkas and Soso were believed to have originated from the Upper Guinea Coast, whilst the Mendes were believed to have originated from the Mande Ethnic Group from the Mali Empire led by Queen Massarico. Like the Fula, the Mandinka are virtually all Muslims at over 99. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced from their homes and many became refugees in Guinea and Liberia. The country has 2,090 known species of higher plants, 147 mammals, 626 birds, 67 reptiles, 35 amphibians, and 99 fish species. [48] In 1792, in a move that foreshadowed the women's suffrage movements in Britain, the heads of all households, of which a third were women, were given the right to vote. Outside the capital Freetown and other major cities, television is not watched by a great many people, although Bo, Kenema and Makeni are served by their own relays of the main SLBC service. While free health care may be provided in some villages, the medical staff is poorly paid and sometimes charge for their services, taking advantage of the fact that the villagers are not aware of their right to free medical care. [240][241] In early August 2014 Guinea closed its borders to Sierra Leone to help contain the spreading of the virus, which originated in Guinea, as more new cases of the disease were being reported in Sierra Leone than in Guinea. [156] The majority of the population relies on biomass fuels for their daily survival, with firewood and coal used most prevalently. The Parliament of Sierra Leone is unicameral, with 146 seats. [236] It is hoped that a new dam in Orugu, for which China committed financing in 2009, will alleviate water scarcity. Both genders experienced and were involved in high levels of violence. Elements of the British Army, together with administrators and politicians, remained after withdrawal to help train the armed forces, improve the infrastructure of the country and administer financial and material aid. The two biggest and most successful football clubs are East End Lions and Mighty Blackpool. Sierra Leone is a West African country near the Atlantic Ocean. [21] Ahmad Tejan Kabbah won the 1996 presidential election and became the first multi-party democratically elected president of Sierra Leone. It also borders Liberia and each of Sierra Leones five administrative regions. But if a woman gets married, she will not be entitled as the head of the house any more. The constitution of Sierra Leone provides for freedom of religion and the Sierra Leone Government generally protects it. In addition, many continued to practise Methodism in Freetown. Makeni is also governed by a directly elected city council that is headed by the Mayor. The Military of Sierra Leone, officially the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), are the unified armed forces of Sierra Leone responsible for the territorial security of Sierra Leone's border and defending the national interests of Sierra Leone within the framework of its international obligations. Sierra Leone is a major producer of gem-quality diamonds. As head of the armed forces, General Momoh had been loyal to Stevens, who had appointed him to the position. They predominate in the large towns, most notably Karina, in Bombali District in the north; Kabala and Falaba in Koinadugu District in the north; and Yengema, Kono District in the east of the country. [53], At about the same time (following the abolition of the slave trade in 1807), Royal Navy crews delivered thousands of formerly enslaved Africans to Freetown, after liberating them from illegal slave ships. T- evaluate the impact of the first ETU and laboratory becoming operational in . The other ethnic groups are the Mandingo (also known as Mandinka). After 11 years, the country conducted another census in 1974, in that headcount, the population grew to two million, seven hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-nine (2,735,159) and after another 11 years in 1985, the census report recorded a population of three million five hundred and fifteen thousand, eight hundred and twelve (3,515,812). The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 14 districts. In politics the overwhelming majority of Sierra Leoneans vote for a candidate without regard of the candidate being a Muslim or a Christian. [56][57][58][59], The settlement of Sierra Leone in the 1800s was unique in that the population was composed of displaced Africans who were brought to the colony after the British abolition of the slave trade in 1807. In 1951, Lamina Sankoh (born: Etheldred Jones) collaborated with educated protectorate leaders from different groups, including Sir Milton Margai, Siaka Stevens, Mohamed Sanusi Mustapha, John Karefa-Smart, Kande Bureh, Sir Albert Margai, Amadu Wurie and Sir Banja Tejan-Sie joined together with the powerful paramount chiefs in the protectorate to form the Sierra Leone People's Party or SLPP as the party of the Protectorate. [90] The NPRC Junta immediately suspended the constitution, banned all political parties, limited freedom of speech and freedom of the press and enacted a rule-by-decree policy, in which soldiers were granted unlimited powers of administrative detention without charge or trial, and challenges against such detentions in court were precluded. The first of the 6,000-member force began arriving in December, and the UN Security Council voted in February 2000 to increase the force to 11,000, and later to 13,000. Krio is the most widely spoken language across Sierra Leone, spoken by 97% of the country's population. The current Inspector General of Police is Brima Acha Kamara, who was appointed to the position by former president Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. Area: 77.1 mile - 124.1 km radius. There are a number of cultural attractions in Freetown, such as the Sierra Leone National Museum and various historical landmarks related to the founding of the city. Sierra Leone has diplomatic relations that include China, Russia,[118] Libya, Iran, and Cuba. [209], Children who have been forced to be part of a war have experienced severe mental and emotional damage in Sierra Leone. There are organised youth and adult football tournaments across the country, and there are various primary and secondary schools with football teams across Sierra Leone. There is high unemployment, particularly among the youth and ex-combatants. Sierra Leone had its own parliament and its own prime minister, and had the ability to make 100% of its own laws, however, as with countries such as Canada and Australia, Sierra Leone remained a "Dominion" and Queen Elizabeth was Queen of the independent Dominion of Sierra Leone. In May 1962, Sierra Leone held its first general election as an independent nation. It appears that she committed suicide at the age of fifty-five, perhaps due to the loss of support from her own people. Most of the Mosques and Islamic schools across Sierra Leone are based in Sunni Islam. The Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) won a plurality of seats in parliament, and Milton Margai was re-elected as prime minister. Combined, the two provinces had a total land area of 35,936 square kilometers (13,874 square miles), but there is no official measure of the areas of the new individual provinces. This merger eventually happened in 2011 after the necessary legislation was enacted. Area figures are derived from geospatial data. [116] The Sierra Leone parliament is led by the Speaker of Parliament, who is the overall leader of Parliament and is directly elected by sitting members of parliament. [77] He based the government on the rule of law and the separation of powers, with multiparty political institutions and fairly viable representative structures. Margai was accused of favouring members of his own Mende ethnic group for prominent positions. The Kuranko are primarily farmers; leaders among them have traditionally held several senior positions in the Military. The average temperature is 26C (78.8F) and varies from around 26 to 36C (78.8 to 96.8F) during the year. This sort of representation was not available in Nova Scotia. The coastal swamp region extends along the Atlantic for about 200 miles (320 km). [39], In January 1787, the Atlantic and the Belisarius set sail for Sierra Leone, but bad weather forced them to divert to Plymouth, during which time about 50 passengers died. [227] As of 2014[update], Sierra Leone was estimated as having the 11th highest infant mortality rate in the world. Freetown was known as the "Athens of Africa" due to the large number of excellent schools in Freetown and surrounding areas. Below you can find a map of Sierra Leone provinces: Sierra Leone is divided into five units as the highest level administrative division. Since independence, the Limba have traditionally been influential in Sierra Leone's politics, along with the Mende. Riots in 1955 and 1956 involved "tens of thousands" of Sierra Leoneans in the Protectorate.[67]. Several mudslides occurred in the early hours of 14 August 2017 in and near the country's capital Freetown. Upon arrival in Sierra Leone, each recaptive was given a registration number, and information on their physical qualities would be entered into the Register of Liberated Africans. [34], Soon after Sintra's expedition, Portuguese traders started arriving at the harbour. Brigadier General Bangura, who had reinstated Stevens as Prime Minister, was widely considered the only person who could control Stevens. On 20 April 1960, Milton Margai led a 24-member Sierra Leonean delegation at constitutional conferences that were held with the Government of Queen Elizabeth II and British Colonial Secretary Iain Macleod in negotiations for independence held in London. Makeni is the administrative and economic center of the region. Eventually, with some more recruitment, 411 passengers sailed to Sierra Leone in April 1787. Siaka Stevens retired from politics in November 1985 after being in power for eighteen years. The current system of the Government of Sierra Leone is based on the 1991 Sierra Leone Constitution. Sierra Leone gained independence from the United Kingdom on 27 April 1961, and became a Commonwealth realm on the same day; the country's name changed to the Dominion of Sierra Leone. Found inside - Page 93The Kissi are one of the oldest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone, . President Momoh appointed his former military colleague and key ally, Major General Mohamed Tarawalie to succeed him as the head of the Sierra Leone Military. They primarily occupy the capital city of Freetown and its surrounding Western Area. The country is bordered by Guinea to the north and east, Liberia to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west and southwest.[102]. Now that the provinces have been divided, an exact measurement of the new provincial areas is unknown. Oftentimes the documentation would be overwhelmingly subjective and would result in inaccurate entries, making them difficult to track. The vast majority of Kissi are Christians. The ratio of men and women in Bo District, Sierra Leone. Based on the commission's recommendations, a constitution re-establishing a multi-party system was approved by the exclusive APC Parliament by a 60% majority vote, becoming effective on 1 October 1991. The neighbouring countries include Guinea which borders it to the North east and Liberia to its South East. [210] Males also showed to be more vulnerable to depression after losing a caregiver. [213] Students at primary schools are usually 6 to 12 years old, and in secondary schools 13 to 18. It is the most populous District in the North and the second most populous District in Sierra Leone, after the Western Area Urban District. He was a close ally of Albert Margai, who had appointed him to the position in 1964. [209] Females can take over the household head if they become widowed or divorced. Inland from the coastal plain is the interior plains region. The national capital Freetown, which makes up the Western Area Urban District, and the other is the Western Area Rural with a main town known as Waterloo, is governed by a directly elected city council headed by a mayor. [114], Since independence in 1961, Sierra Leone's politics has been dominated by two major political parties: the SLPP and the APC. [20] Lansana was later tried and found guilty of treason, and sentenced to death in 1975. The town lies about 30 miles . [3] [4] It is one of the sixteen Districts of Sierra Leone. The current president of Sierra Leone is former military junta leader Julius Maada Bio. One of the first ethnic groups to become educated according to Western traditions, they have traditionally been appointed to positions in the civil service, beginning during the colonial years. There is a vast expanse of beaches stretching along the Freetown Peninsula. Freetown Bonthe is one of the sixteen districts of Sierra Leone. [74][75] Thousands of Sierra Leoneans took to the streets in celebration. Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Britain at the time of the British intervention, is regarded as a hero by the people of Sierra Leone, many of whom are keen for more British involvement.[95]. 28,813 (2015). There was great suspicion that president Momoh was not serious about his promise of political reform, as APC rule continued to be increasingly marked by abuses of power. The city is governed by an elected city council and is headed by a Mayor. Divided into five administrative regions 's efforts proved to be more vulnerable to depression after losing caregiver... 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